Gas prices!!! What is yours today in your area!!!



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    In Norway it's about $10 per gallon.. Beat that!

    is that $10 /US gallon or regular gallon 3.89 vs/ 4.45 Litres makes a big difference, if you used the Imperial gallon then it would be $8.56/US gallon

    We use litres here, but I converted it to US gallons, and I'm pretty sure I did it correctly :)

    Then Wow, we pay more in Canada then the US but nothing like that. our price is $1.37/litre, and our dollar is at par so $5.29/gallon
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    $3.59 in Houston, TX
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Wow seems like gas is cheaper everywhere but the South, its $3.69 a gal here yal!

    Yup... 3.67 in Franklin... and last night in Nashville it was 3.71.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    This is an interesting read...

    Europeans and Americans are definitely paying some of the most painful gas prices globally. Norway pays the highest price for gas world wide. All the while, citizens of oil-rich nations fill their tanks with pocket change. A british insurance firm -Staveley Head- recently released a list of the worlds gas prices. Below are the seven cheapest countries in the world to purchase gasoline.

    1. Caracas, Venezuela
    $0.18 per gallon (average) — These gas prices have been in place before Chavez took office, and will remain. The last time the government tried to raise gas prices mass protests sprang up across the country, and several people died.

    2. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    $0.48 per gallon (average) — The kingdom has 20% of the world’s oil reserves, they are the heavy hitter on the global stage.

    3. Tripoli, Libya
    $0.54 per gallon— Libya is ranked 9th in the oil-producing world league

    4. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
    $0.72 per gallon (average) — Each person with a vehicle gets 120 litres free per month, so who cares about the price anyway?

    5. Manama, Bahrain
    $0.78 per gallon (average) — Which is likely to rise due to low oil reserves, and a new plan to diversify the economy.

    6. Kuwait City, Kuwait
    The government-subsidised petrol and public transport shows consideration for the community

    7. Doha, Qatar
    The citizens of Qatar have the second highest income/world and the 7th lowest gas prices in the world.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    About 3.80 per US gallon - just south of the US/CAN border near Vancouver. Ouch.

    Wow - +20 cents in less than a week!