Holiday Weekend

angelascott919 Posts: 178
edited September 19 in Chit-Chat
I was wanting to know if anyone had some advice on how to explain to parents and other family that we can't eat so much fatty foods I know they are going to be serving this holiday weekend. I know anyone we visit it going to offer us so much food and so many of them just don't understand no for an answer.

I hate to just not visit them but want to know how do some of you handle family and let them know we can't eat that?



  • I was wanting to know if anyone had some advice on how to explain to parents and other family that we can't eat so much fatty foods I know they are going to be serving this holiday weekend. I know anyone we visit it going to offer us so much food and so many of them just don't understand no for an answer.

    I hate to just not visit them but want to know how do some of you handle family and let them know we can't eat that?

  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    We? Are you doing this with your husband? I'd say to just tell them no thank you as politely as possible and then when they ask why just say oo I'm trying to watch my weight, you can maybe make a joke out of it or say you already ate. I'd say just make sure not to say "I'm trying to eat more healthy." Then they will feel weird eating it in front of you. Good luck!

  • bugmagnt
    bugmagnt Posts: 150
    I have found that portion control makes a big differnce. I was really conscious about this during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. That way, I don't feel deprived, and I can try the new recipes and such that others have made. This is especially key since many holidays my DH and I are going to both of our families, much like this Easter. I also made sure to exercise in the morning before going to any houses, and many people start a new tradition of walking after big family meals.. good way to catch up, right?

    Also, does your family ever do potlucks or does one person cook everything? If a potluck, you could start by bringing a new recipe and wow them how a low fat item can taste really good... even if it is just a side dish or salad... Even with going to my inlaws where my MIL cooks everything, My SIL and I will often make one dish, and I often try to make it a vegetable/salad to offset the other stuff.
  • There is absolutely no reason that you should try to spare people's feelings when it comes to your weight loss goals. You just simply say "We're determined to lose weight so we won't be eating _________ this year at Easter". If they're supportive, they'll understand. If they try to guilt you into enjoying some of the foods you should be avoiding, then they're not looking out for your best interests.

    Just stay motivated hon! Decide ahead of time what you're going to eat and stick to it. I'm a "grazer" (I stay near the food and am constantly chowing on something) - if the weather is nice, sit outside with a small plate of veggies. Make sure you have plenty of water and NEVER EVER forget your motivation or inspiration to get the weight off! :happy:
  • Thanks everyone. My husband and I are both try to lose. I will definately keep each thing in mind when we go to the families houses on Sunday. It just seems that our families use food as crutch or as a way of showing love not realizing that it hurts us more than helps us.

    Everyone have a great weekend and good luck

  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    Well, to me, it's a Holiday and it's just one day...start over the next day! :wink:

    Easter only comes around once a year and I only get the meal that mom fixes once a I eat it !!

    BTW...your kitty is so cute!!!!!!!! Totally off the topic
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