I would appreciate soooo very much some motivational help!!! I know that I have the power to change my body and my mind and how I look at food. It is so much easier though when you have somebody to help support you. I will help and support anyone I can and will help motivate and give advice. I am a mom of four and still young enough that I want to feel sexy for myself and my husband!! My one problem is my Dr Pepper. I am very very addicted to it. However, I am going to do all I can to help break that habit. I have already made some progress. I drink it all day long. That is all I drink. However, i am now going to break myself to one dr pepper in the morning and one at night and that is all. Eventually i hope not to drink it at all except maybe once or twice a week. So please dont judge me for that one vice I am going to give myself morning and night. i am trying to be real and honest about where I am so that this will work for me....thank ya'll in advanced for all your support, motivation, and advice!!! Please feel free to send me a request because I know we can all do this together!!!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Yeah, gotta quit that Dr. Pepper habit! Soda just isn't good for you! Swap in water, even flavored fizzy water if you must to get started. That's going to take you a long way in that alone!
    Otherwise, it's a journey! We're here to help!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    get your sexy back? When have you lost it? :)

    Kudos on cutting back on the pop. Drinking more water based products help flush the toxins out of the body. I usually take 3/4 water and mix with 1/4 Crystal light cherry pomegranate... can drink several large glasses a day. I find it too sweet at full strength.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    You look great, but sexy is about more than looks isn't it? A big part of it is in our heads. You'll get that feeling back as you get where you want to be. I used to drink 4-6 Diet Cokes a day and thought I'd have a terrible time getting off of it. Honestly I decided to stop on a Friday had two on Saturday and none since that day. I thought I'd have a problem but I've done well drinking 8-14 glasses a day. My family drinks pop around me all the time and though I occasionally have the urge it passes in less than a minute. Both of my daughters quit drinking it 6 and 7 years ago and say they never miss it. You get off of it however you have to.