5 random things about yourself..



  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    1. Not a fan of watching t.v.
    2. Won State award in high school for an Armoire I built in industrial arts class
    3. I would live at the river if I could
    4. I'm addicted to coffee
    5. I hate cottage cheese
  • GetThinKim
    Oooh love these things!!

    1) I'm adopted. (Went into care when I was 3, adopted when I was 6) :)

    2) I can fit my fist in my mouth

    3) I'm prone to panic attacks

    4) I'm terrified of being by myself. (Despite being 18) I don't feel comfortable if I don't have other people around me. I've had panic attacks before because my parents have left the house without telling me.

    5) I act and look like I'm about 14.
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    1. I write children’s stories but I’m too self-critical to try to get them published.
    2. I sing all the time and love musicals. I haven’t sung in front of people in years.
    3. I’m deathly afraid of open water. I float like a little ball when I’m in the ocean with my legs pulled to my chest, out of the water. This stems from an experience where I swam at a local beach and stepped into something rubbery, lots of bubbles up my leg. The next day, they found a dead body there that had floated over from Michigan. Ruined me for life.
    4. I can roll my tongue like a wave.
    5. In grade school, I couldn’t dance. I could find the rhythm and lacked the confidence. One day I saw myself in the mirror whilst dancing alone in my room. I thought I looked pretty good so tried it out at a high school video dance (remember those?!). I got compliments all night. Ever since I dance like I just don’t care.
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    1.- I don't like oysters.
    2.- I've traveled to more than 13 countries.
    3.- I don't own a tv.
    4.- I haven't listened to the local radio stations in years. [I listen to NPR through my phone and listen to my music through other means]
    5.- I play video games.

    woah youve travelled more than 13 countries?! Ive never stepped foot on an aeroplane!:laugh:

    i never listen to the local radio stations either - bores me

    Get your butt on a plane, woman! You're missing out on this amazing planet. :happy:
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    1. I have played and coached high school and college football

    2. I hate spiders and often can't sleep if I know there is one in my room

    3. I have gone into atrial fibrillation and had to have the cardioversion procedure done (shocked by the paddles) to get my heart back into regular rhythm

    4. I write poetry and like to draw

    5. I LOVE to cook. I am obsessed with trying and creating new dishes in hopes of opening my own sports bar/restaurant
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    1. .I am the youngest of 7 children ( 2 brothers,4 sisters and me :-) )

    2. I had my first child 9 days before my 14th birthday, stayed in school and beat the odds by graduating from high school a year early :-) I raised my wonderful boy as a single mom until I got married when he was 7.

    3.Like a lot of people I am freaked out by spiders.. but I can't kill them personally because in the back of my head I think their spiders friends will get their revenge on me while I sleep.( thank all my older brothers and sisters for that one) So I have to have
    other people kill the spiders for me... and I have been known to call people to come kill them if I am home alone LMAO

    4.I plan to become a personal fitness trainer. I went to college to be a CPA but after working in a bank for 4 years and dealing with numbers and money I figured out that it wasn't for me... isn't that usually how it works. spend all you money to get a degree for something you end up hating. oh well! its a fall back :-)

    5. I am a determined person by nature.. tell me its impossible I WILL prove you wrong. :-)
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    1. I cry at absolutely anything :blushing:

    2. Never tried a cigarette or an oyster

    3. I'm really good at drawing and one day hope to become an artist :heart:

    4. I live in my dream flat (even thought it's a little on the small side) & it's next to a river :glasses:

    5. I have a really low tolerance to the sun, had heat stroke more times than i can remember & passed out in legoland - in England due to heat stroke - i know - i'm not proud lol
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    1) I floss and drive.

    2) i won a beauty contest when i was a toddler ... what happened to that cutie??

    3) i can't wait to skydive but i'm scared to death of falling off of a ladder.

    4) if i were totally unafraid of what it'd look like in the future, i'd totally get a half sleeve tattoo.

    5) salsbury steak is probably the most disgusting thing i've ever eaten ... but i love snails.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    1. Very strong aversion to belly buttons
    2. I bite my nail.
    3. I am an "only" child through my mom and stepdad but oldes of 4 girls through dad and stepmom.
    4. My mom and stepmom are very good friends--like they go to dinner/casino together.
    5. My favorite place is the family cottage that my grandfather owns right on the beach.