Contraception question (for ladies)

My doctor started me on the mini pill (progesterone only) about 3 weeks ago. I stopped losing weight about 3 weeks ago. I stay within 1200 cals (net...I eat my exercise cals), exercise every day and drink loads of water.

Link between the two? Anyone else on the mini pill and still losing?


  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Everybody's body reacts differently to birth control, but generally speaking it is a little bit harder work to lose weight when you're on the pill. I have Implanon, which is an implant under the skin in my arm that lasts 3 years at a time. I'm on my second one and I've been able to lose weight at a pretty steady pace since I started.

    I'm not sure exactly how it works or why it makes you seem to stall in weight loss, but I'd talk to your doctor about all the options there are and what are least likely to contribute to weight gain/no weight loss. Good luck!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Thanks for your reply.

    I was on the combined pill and he switched me to the mini pill as I have a blood clot in one ovary. I told him I was trying to lose weight and he still put me on the mini pill.

    I'll give it another couple of weeks and if I still have no loss I'll be back to the doctor.