I need some advice please...



  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but perhaps drink cold but NOT freezing water. There is something called a vagus nerve that can be effected by the icey water shooting down a heated up body. The result can be fainting. Some people even have to drink their water room tem but that might make you nauseated. I'd start with just making it cool instead of icey. Also maybe do a set, then cool off in the pool if they have one. Or do a set then a cool down stretch then another set.

    You are fine with what you are drinking. This poster is misinformedI work in medicine. Closely with patients that have issues with their vagus nerves. Drinking freezing water is fine. Unless you are submerging yourself into ice water for extended periods of time to the point that your entire body temperature is dropping, you are not going to have any effect on your vagus nerve- I promise :-) Please don't let her freak you out. The poster below her has a much better understanding of the vagus nerve and how it actually works :-)
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you everyone who has posted. I never expected such a big response and I appreciate every single one of you taking time to reply. There are some very helpful suggestions here.

    I usually keep an eye on my heart rate and I don't let it go above 180, where as before it was up in the 220s. The tightening of the leg muscles, that could be an issue with me since my legs do tighten when I walk. I had never considered it before, despite it causing me a great deal of pain. I will work on loosening them. Will also drink, yet MORE fluid. And as some have mentioned, I am aware that diet is key to loosing weight and that is what I will focus on the most. I will also, eventually, when I feel comfortable enough, try swimming.

    Thank you all. xxx
  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    Just an idea - If you're afraid of passing out during strenuous workouts maybe you can focus on exercises where you are sitting (bike) or on the floor (yoga, pilates). With the later, it's easy to adjust your workout to how you feel, and if you get a little woozy you can just relax right where you are until you come back to fully stable.