HELP!! any shortie mammas out there?

Hey everyone im down 23 lbs but still have about 30 to go anyone out there 5'3 and under? im 5 foot and I think it would help me to have some friends as short as me share how they do it I feel it is so hard for us to feel good about our weightloss because we are so small that we just look that much bigger with so much weight on anyone wanna add me feel free :)


  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I am a stay at home mom (30 yrs old) to 3 kids ages 4, 3, and 6 months. I have lost all my pregnancy weight but I want to lose a few more (about 8-10 lbs). However, I am finding these last lbs very very difficult to lose. In fact, I haven't lost anything in like a month and I am getting very discouraged and upset. I need the encouragement too..anyone feel free to add me:smile: .
  • ashtonalayna
    Hi my names Gloria, I'm 25, 5'2" and a SAHM of 2 ages 2yrs and 10months. I am about 12 lbs from my goal weight and its been awhile since Iost anything. It gets very frustrating after awhile! I know how you feel.
  • bubsmom10
    Hi my names Gloria, I'm 25, 5'2" and a SAHM of 2 ages 2yrs and 10months. I am about 12 lbs from my goal weight and its been awhile since Iost anything. It gets very frustrating after awhile! I know how you feel.

    yes it is frustrating...and i have a one year old :)
  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi I am definitely a mom (2 kids) and definitely a shortie! I am 4'7" and have atleast 75 lbs more to lose. Already lost 20 and alwYs looking for more support and to see what every one else is doing. Always willing to listen if you want to add me.