No Burned Calories for Wieght Training



  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member

    I didn't think so. It's hard to read tone in words on the Internet, and I've grounded myself off smilies (lol) so my statements might seem b!tchy or whatever, but I added the further explanation because I figured I wasn't explaining myself well enough.

    I'm glad I could make a coherent statement today, actually. lmao

    Yeah me too and some people on MFP are a bit sensitive. But now I have a problem..... because now I want a better HRM, one for cardio and weight lifting!!!

    lol... to be honest, you can up your caloric intake by 10-15% increase off TDEE on your lifting days and make do without the expensive HRM. It won't be EXACT, but none of these methods are exact.

    So basically, on days you lift, if your TDEE is 1900 calories (which is mine, so that's why I'm using it), you could increase your consumption by about 200 calories, to 2100 calories. Or, I use my HRM to estimate my cardio in my pre-lift warmup, and then use MFP's strength training estimate under cardio for the length of time I lifted (30-45 minutes, typically).

    My cardio warm up will give me about 130-150 calories for 15 minutes. My lifting gives me an additional 120-150 calories or so, for an increase of about 250-300 calories, which is pretty close to the 15% increase, anyway. Even with the 2100 calories available to me, I generally keep about 100 calories free in case of overage on other days, which I typically go over once a week because I like to eat.