Not sure if this was a screw up or a NSV....

JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
I have really cleaned up my eating since the start of the year (no, I'm not a resolutioner, it just happened at that time ;) ), and for 6 weeks had touched VERY little processed food, and even the processed stuff was on the healthier side (whole grain, etc). This past week, my brother was home on leave, and we ate out a lot. I still managed to look stuff up, make the best choices, stay under my calories, etc. Felt really good.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday went down the tubes. I ate everything not nailed down, and then some. Not only did I eat too much, but it was some seriously processed food (corn dogs, anyone?). Here's the part that kind of blows my mind though: I ended up sick as a dog. Every time I ate something that I had cut out of my diet for 6 weeks, I ended up trying to throw it back up as my body rejected it. I was SO SICK all weekend.

So, yep, I binged all weekend. NSV: I don't want to do it again, I hate being sick! I am back on track today, and already feel better as I get back to clean foods. Although the scale did say I am +5 lbs from the weekend (which I attribute to the mass amounts of sodium in the Red Lobster I had for lunch yesterday), I am still trucking along and chalking it up to a lesson learned.


  • amykingsley1
    amykingsley1 Posts: 31 Member
    My husband and I went to IHOP the other day and I got something from their fit and lean medu or whatever... yeah, still didn't it right. greasy and processed. I totally understand. Next time I'm getting salad, or if I'm gonna splurge, at least pancakes or something less greasy! Red lobster gets me too....