I need to lose 4lbs

and I need to do it this week. I know it's possible, I know you're not supposed to lose that much, but I want to make it happen. What would you suggest diet wise? I workout 5-6 days a week at the gym and I do the shred 5 days a week.


  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    1) Why do you feel that you *need* to lose that exact amount in that amount of time?

    2) You just said you're "not supposed to", aka it's not healthy. Good luck finding someone on here that will tell you how to do unhealthy things to your body!
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    Surely there is something that I can cut out that will help with loss. That's really all I'm asking. If I need to cut bread, potatoes, fruit, noodles then fine I'll make it work.
  • Why 4lbs? In a week? Why do you HAVE to?

    Go on liquids. Cut your calories extremely back, or don't eat at all. That is the only way I know you'll drop 4 pounds. Not healthy, at ALL.

    My roommate used to just go on water and carrot diets, or applies.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    If you're not doing it already, drink more water. If this is your first week, there is a chance you can bump up your losses slightly. But only if your body will let you get there naturally. Go for about 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of body weight. (Edited to add: I was able to lose 9 pounds by doing this, but it only works once.)

    Eat right, exercise, and no starving yourself to lose the weight - it will only hinder you.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Drink lots and lots of water and cool it with the sodium. Cut out all that processed food. It won't be fat loss but if you just need to change the number on the scale for whatever reason, you can probably lose a couple of pounds of water pretty easily.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Not sure why you 'HAVE' to lose 4lbs in a week but if it's a particular event coming up this weekend...try wearing Spanx to look slimmer and drink lots of water.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Plus in looking at your diary you have - a lot of fast foods and processed foods. So I would also try to eat as clean as possible for the next week.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I second the Spanx idea.

    Depending on what you eat normally, cut out as much sodium as you can and cut carbs down to almost nothing. Keep in mind, however, that what you'll mostly be losing is just water and as soon as you start eating sodium and carbs you'll gain it right back but you should be able to lose a couple of pounds of water that way in addition to the fat you'll be losing with your normal calorie deficit.
  • Wear garbage bags over your clothes, don't eat anything, and carry around a cup to spit in all day. That's what the guys on the wrestling team in high school did to drop weight. They were athletes, so that has to be a healthy plan!

    Good luck!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You're asking for a fad dieting suggestion. I understand that you're feeling desperate, but honey you need to calm down. up the water, down the sodium, and relax. Stress makes you gain weight.

    If you lose sight of the course and start looking at fads you're going to end up yo-yoing . . . I'm sure that you, like me, have been there before and don't really want to go back to that dark and dirty place. It's riddled with negativity and guilt and binges. Just be honest with yourself and ask the right question in the right way.

    "I'm sad, I'm desperate, I've plateaued and I don't know what to do about it. I'm doing x, y, z, (details) any suggestions?"

    Also, it's good to give your body a week's break from your workout routine to rest and repair. Think about taking a break from your normal routine and explore other activities for a week or 2 and see what happens.
  • jennyferann
    jennyferann Posts: 6 Member
    Dont be so ridiculous. A lot of us on this site have a lot more to loose and there is no magic formula. Walk more and eat less.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    Don't eat anything with sodium any 4lbs you lose in that short time will just be water weight not fat.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Geez, there are a lot of crabby responses on here :-/

    Pro weightlifters crash diet the last week before they compete. So do a lot of athletes (runners, swimmers, etc). Sometimes 1-10 lbs makes all the difference. The weight doesn't stay off, but it is useful to know how to do it if it is really just a one-time, temporary loss.

    Emphasize water weight loss. So: consume only fresh fruits and vegetables (low-glycemic options are best, so stay away from grapes and pineapples, etc); no salt, fats or carbs. Juicing can do the trick. Keeps your calories up but flushes the water weight. Watch for constipation because you won't consume any fiber. Usually this is done at the end of a period of intense training for fat loss/muscle gain with the oversight of a dietician who specializes in athletic competition.

    It isn't fun, but it works. Expect, however, to gain the weight back and then some in the following 1-2 weeks as your metabolism re-adjusts to "normal" food. (Disclaimer: There are people who have used juicing for 60+ days to lose upwards of 50+ lbs. It isn't recommended that you do anything like that without the permission and monitoring of your regular physician, and consider that rapid weight loss like that can leave you with a lot of excess skin and decreased muscle tone.)

    Good luck!
  • Carebear530
    Carebear530 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm concerned about your goal. I think shouldn't cut out more food. If anything make sure you are getting 1600+ calories to fuel your body/workouts & eat your exercise calories. If you want to workout hard you need to eat. Not doing so will just cut your results. Cut out the fast foods & processed foods. Eat clean/whole foods & drink water.

    You can try intervals to speed up your burn. But again you need to eat to workout your hardest.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm concerned about your goal. I think shouldn't cut out more food. If anything make sure you are getting 1600+ calories to fuel your body/workouts & eat your exercise calories. If you want to workout hard you need to eat. Not doing so will just cut your results. Cut out the fast foods & processed foods. Eat clean/whole foods & drink water.

    You can try intervals to speed up your burn. But again you need to eat to workout your hardest.
    Watch out for blanket calorie goals. Someone who is short can't eat 1600 calories and lose weight. For example, at 5' 2.5" and 45 years old, my BMR is under 1300 calories. Eating 1600 calories plus my exercise calories would put me at a point where I'd be gaining weight.
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 194lbs in order to lose 2lbs a week I can't consume anymore than a little over 1,000 calories. I've been at least eating 1200, but my weight loss is S L O W. I've been at it for over a month and still trying to find out what works for me.
  • After looking at your dairy I can see why it's slow weight loss. You should try adjusting your daily goal to at least 1200, and stick to it. Cut out the processed food, it's full of salt and other crap that does nothing for you.
    Start reading the labels of food your buying, Get more fruits and vegies in, and watch how much snaking your doing, and what your snacking. Looks like you need to have a serious over haul of your eating habits.
    And drink more water, lots mote water, the more you drink the more your body gets used to it.

    I'm no saint with my food, but if what your doing isn't working then you have to change it.
  • Carebear530
    Carebear530 Posts: 49 Member
    How do you know you can't eat over 1200 calories? It seems like you could be slowing down your weight loss by not eating enough. I won't keep on you about it but if you are still not losing much in a couple weeks you might want to try eating more. You would need to eat over 2000 just to maintain your weight. Eating under 1200 is not healthy. I'm just concerned as a fellow mother. This weightloss takes time. I know it sucks. You are a hard worker though & can do it. :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Life isn't "The Biggest Loser". Honestly, I am not sure why people want to lose weight that quickly in the first place. You're left with a bunch of saggy skin and looking to your friends and family like you're really sick. Losing weight slowly is the best way to really keep it off. Your skin has time to adjust to the loss, too.

    You have to remember that you didn't put all of that weight on in a couple of months. I am not sure why anyone would expect that taking it back off is going to be quick and easy. I really blame TBL and these other TV shows which show an unrealistic way to lose weight and setting people up for those kinds of expectations.

    Focus on your eating habits. Clean up your diet and eat more, healthy foods. Drink your 64 ounces of water each day. Remember that a 2 pound per week weight loss doesn't happen for very long. As you drop more pounds, they won't fall off as quickly. At the end, you're eventually only losing a couple of ounces each week and usually happy to do it.