Hi I am about to be up front and honest...



  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    It's up to you! Sorry to say it, but you need to give yourself some hard truths and stop making excuses. My partner kept telling me the truth, and often had me in tears hearing the truth i didn't want to hear. but my life was raught with excuses. And once I stopped lying to myself and stopped making excuses, admitted to what i was doing wrong, and putting it out there in the public sphere (including telling people my actual weight, and admitting to others my secret binging ways) there was nothing left to do, than to stop eating so much rubbish and exercise hard. There was nobody to blame except myself and my lack of will power.

    I committed myself to 3 years.... so far i'm one year in. two years to go. i refuse to do the quick fix again because i can't do it again (lose a heap and then gain it all back). i need to get it done, and keep it done. and 3 years should give me a good base of new habits to work with.

    best of luck, and STOP MAKING EXCUSES, nobody sees through them, and they are just destructive for you.
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    It's hard at first but you have to give all the bad things up at first and go throught the withdrawls... I am finally to the point where I don't have to deprive my self of all the yummy desires but I do have to work out every day, whether it is 20 min quick work out or 1 hour of solid work out. It's a lifestyle change not a fad, treat it as that. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Good luck!!!!! :wink:
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    You don't have to cut anything out, you just have to figure out how to work it in to your eating plan. This site can help you figure that out. Read the labels, and add the calories into your day. Do some exercise to balance things out. You can do it!
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    do descending carbs.... carbs for breakfast. aka cereal, oatmeal, etc. GOOD carbs... multi grain stuff!

    slight carbs for lunch. Half a sandwich on whole wheat bread and a salad, or fresh fruit

    NO CARBS for dinner! Lean protein such as fish, turkey or chicken. and some steamed veggies!

    Carbs are great for burning NOW... so unless you plan on working out after dinner... I would not have any carbs with Dinner.

    This was recommended by my doctor... I DID NOT make this up.
  • KLDunford
    You can do it! Stop saying I'll do better tomorrow. Stop saying I'll start again Monday. You're never going to be happy with yourself!

    A few things that helped me get going in the past include drinking more water. Whenever you're hungry, drink a glass. If you're still hungry then try to eat something nutritious!
    Just do it. Don't feel like exercising? Just do it! Blown a meal, and calories are shot? Don't wait for tomorrow, do it now!
    Eat more lean protein early in the day. It does an amazing job at curbing carb and sweet cravings. It has really worked for me!

    Now that you've claimed your place in this world. Time to do it! No more excuses, no more waiting for tomorrow. Start here and now, and never give up!

    What's the best source to get lean protein?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I disagree that you have to give up anything. SUSTAINABLE is key. You have to be able to stick to things long term. Set a small deficit (0.5-1lb a week), exercise and eat your exercise calories. Make it easier on yourself so you don't find yourself giving up. When you have a bad day, don't start over on Monday, start over the next day. Maybe track your weekly calories instead of daily so you can have room for extras now and then. Good luck.
  • Survivor1997
    Survivor1997 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm a closet snack junkie. I could sit and eat a whole bag of chips, along with some sour cream. Or pass me some loaded nachos, and I can show you how it's done. Anything that crunches...bring it on.

    BUT...as I've been watching my calories, and especially my carbs the last six weeks, I discovered something. They don't taste all that great to me these days. The fat and salt content is so obvious now, I just don't crave them anymore. Having said that, I also realize just how easy it would be for me to fall back into old habits.

    I like pizza too. Now, I add a huge salad with lowfat dressing on the side. I eat slowly, and actually enjoy the flavor more than before. And I end up eating about 1/3 of the pizza I used to. Same goes for any pasta.

    I'm not losing a lot of weight. But, I feel so much better these days. Much more energy, I sleep fewer hours and more soundly.

    And, my general mood has improved...a lot!

    Give yourself a week of healthy eating and exercising. I'm betting that the way you feel on day 7 will be enough to spur you on into week 2.
  • tlp148
    tlp148 Posts: 67 Member
    You asked for brutal honesty, so I will give it to you with no sugar coating. You will HAVE to give up many of the things you love to lose the weight You will HAVE to exercise on a regular basis. You may allow a cheat day once a week or every other week, but you can't eat junk every day and expect to lose. Won't happen, dear. You'll being wearing that same outfit forever. UNLESS you get disciplined Decide what plan you want to follow and just DO IT. Crying and whining won't do it for you. MFP friends won't do it for you. Only YOU can do it. And I know you can. .

    This is where I started. Brutally Honest with myself. Where did 50 pounds come from? But after 1 1/2 months in to this and down at least 15 pounds(I weigh in on Tuesdays) The things that I thought I was 'giving up" weren't that important after all. My entire first month was exclusively learning food. I have always loved restaurants and cooking real food. Now the food I cook can be Low Fat/ Low Carb/Low Cholesterol etc but it has to be full of flavor. I am experimenting with herbs/spices and seasonings and am loving the GOOD food I am putting in my body and in my kids bodies. January was food control, February I have started to add in the exercise factor. You have to find new comforts when you need comforting and new rewards when you deserve a reward. At 10 pounds down I bought a sparkly new top and jacket. At 15 pounds I had a massage. At 20-25 pounds down I HAVE to get a new pair of jeans and a new belt! Also I have great new friends on MFP and friends at home that are supportive and have even joined in with me in one way or another, some on MFP, some with Weight Watchers, etc.
    You are welcome to add me if you like.
    Good Luck on your journey.
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    Let me just say....losing weight has to be a priority for YOU and NO one else!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exercising has to be for YOU and NO one else!!!!! Cutting calories has to be for YOU and NO one else!!!!!!!!! Once YOU make YOU a PRIORITY and start seeing results..the drive to lose weight becomes easier!!!! Trust me!!!! For years I did exactly what you have done...start...stop....start....stop....I have stopped so many times it was pathetic....I got on the scale at the beginning of January and topped out at 246 pounds!!!! I finally put ME FIRST!!! When I lost the first 6 pounds...this was counting calories alone. During week 4 I incorporated excercise...I joined MFP...I don't worry too much about the scale because starting my 7th week...those around me are starting to notice...a great motivator to keep me going. YOU have to find what works for YOU. And just to give one more piece of advice....don't look at it as having to lose 50 pounds...look at it has "This week I will lose1 pound for ME!!!!" I have this statement posted on the mirror in my bedroom.....Sorry for the rambling....I hope this helps...

    Well said. Prior to the start of the year, I would allow a "cheat day" or "cheat meal" turn into a cheat week or month!! Now, I get right back on the ball the next day. I REFUSE TO go beyond a size 20 and when my size 20s started to get tight, I knew it was time to get serious. On top of that, I HATED the way i looked for the first time. Those last 20 pounds went straight to my mid-section and it showed. Bottom line, when YOU are READY there will be not stopping YOU!!! Good luck!!! And remember this is a journey, slowly make changes and incorporate exercise in your life. Don't try and do it all at once or you will overhwhelm yourself!
  • amystpierre
    amystpierre Posts: 52 Member
    Your post sounded like it came from my profile...this was me 6 weeks ago! I have been on an emotional rollercoaster for over 17 years, battling my weight, trying to lose, and giving up. I get back on and the longest I ever went was 3 weeks. I have 5 children, I am going to be 35 this year, and I had a gallbladder attack 6 weeks ago. It sucked that it took something as painful as that to wake me up, but it worked, and I am back on here again-for the 5th or 6th time, and this time, no matter how many times I fall off the wagon, I will pick myself up and try again! This is our lives we are talking about!!! LOL! You can add me if you'd like, encouraging friends help so much! You CAN do it!
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    My advice for you:

    Don't cut out carbs! Change some of your usualy choices. Instead of eating white rice, eat brown rice...You can find lots of items that are gluten free which are made from brown rice flour and they are delicious and aren't as "bad" for you as bleached flour, and wheat can sometimes bloat people which is why gluten free is a good way to go if you have to choose between the 3.

    I still eat pizza once in a while, I still have pasta once in a while, just not every day. I looked for the chocolate bars with the least amount of sugar and bought a few bars to I can have a few small squares when I "crave" them. Don't deprive yourself or it makes you want to quit.

    Try replacing sugary foods with fruit, and look for snacks you can eat quick on the go that are healthy! Get the vegetable steamers that steam in less then 6 minutes, rice cakes with peanut butter, oatmeal with white raisins, etc.....Healthy foods that are quick to make on the go.

    It took me a while but it gets easier as you go longer without the "usual" naughty foods. lol. You will still have them from time to time, but as you gain knowledge of yummy quick snacks on the go, you will not want them as much. I found that being a carbolholic, I ate more...If you try eating 6 meals a day, you tend to eat less because you are filled throughout the day and not having a spike in your insulin and that helps with carb cravings too!

    :) Good Luck on your journey!!! I know you can do it! Just try a few different methods. I have been where you are, and it is VERY frustrating! Try some different strategies and see what works best for you!
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    You can do it! I LOVE food, so doing a no carb diet is not it. I choose to NOT DIET. I am not on a diet I made a lifestyle change. I still eat the things I love because I know if I deprive myself I WILL binge, so stop doing that to your self. STOP setting yourself up for failure. If you eat more than you should have, instead of watching tv sitting down, do it standing up doing twists. Enjoy the foods you normally eat, but buy a measuring cup and spoon set and use them to give yourself actual servings. Eat on a saucer instead of a dinner plate. Make little changes ie, I love bacon eggs and potatoes for Sunday breakfast. I still eat it, but I use the actual portions and I switched out regular bacon for turkey bacon and I use pam iinstead of bacon grease or butter to cook my eggs.
    Make baby steps and once you get used to one change ( like not cooking with butter) make another and so on. Don't try to be a super hero and do all or nothing. You have to make changes that you can live with for the rest of your life.
    P.s. if you are a desert person (I am) in the morning add your desert and do what you need to do during the day calorie wise to ensure that yummy desert.
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Well you asked for brutal honesty.

    I know exactly EXACTLY how you feel. Your commitment is sky high during the first few days and then come mid week you hit a "well its only once" and cave...but then a vicious cycle of guilt,denigration and shame hits you.Then you start to think ok then I'll begin again a bit later on in the week. Trouble is this never-ending pattern is exactly that.Neverending.

    You (WE) need to stop this as it leads to emotional and mental turnoil.We need to take responsibility for our silly stupid choices to put those unecessary foods into our mouths. It is incredibly tough to say no but we must otherwise our health will continue to suffer. Heart disease.diabetes, liver and digestive issues await us if we don't buckle down and start being responsible.Plus what kind of example is to set for our kids??? Its quite frankly a horrible one. Apologies if this is harsh but sometimes we hide the truth from ourselves only for it to emerge in the form of a heart attack, then everybody including kids, parents, inlaws and friends suffer worrying about the outcome.

    I think most of us on here have yo-yoed and binged and cried and tried but we are getting there.Slowly but surely together. Lord knows I have yo-yoed between 180 and 140 lbs for the last 2 years. 6 months ago I was 140 and now im 160. 12 months ago I was 180. Dangerous pattern here and I'm determined to stop it.Are you with me?

    Your absolute determination and pure desire to get healthy again are shining through brightly and you can and WILL do this.
    As many have said find a motivating factor and use that to spur you on when your strength is wavering. Mine is to be healthy and happy.

    Good luck
  • mom2jjl
    YOU ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH ALL OF THIS MEANS TO ME!! If I could I would give you ALL HUGE HUGS!!!! LOVE the honesty and thank each and every one of you...THIS IS IT for me and I am PUMPED to be on here and make this commitment...I am COMMITTED FROM THIS DAY FORWARD to doing this and taking back my life...this life is soooooooo short and I refuse to let this go!!!
  • Kelsbellz
    Kelsbellz Posts: 142 Member
    One minute at a time, one hour at a time, one meal at a time, one day at a time.

    Start with the easy part, tracking what you eat, then start making changes based on what your seeing. Be honest and accountable to yourself. Instead of eating 3 slices of pizza, eat one and a salad. Once you get into a routine, it does get easier.

    You can do this!
  • BethHollingshead
    I know exactly what you are going through. I love carbs too. I have found though that I can't totally cut carbs out of my daily eating, otherwise I go CRAZY!! I've had so many "bad days" that i don't bother counting them any more. What does help, is it doesn't matter if you have a bad day or bad meal, you can fix your next meal and go from there. Keep trying every day. Try eating different things or fixing them in different ways to change things up. I found a really great cook book, The Hungry Girl Cookbook. It already has the calories and nutritional value of all the recepies (and the recipies are on fitness pal!). By switching things up, it helps to not get stuck in the same old boring routine. It also helps to get the kids (and spouse) to eat different foods that they normally wouldn't eat. Just take it a meal at a time.

    You can do it!!! :)
  • ADM1979
    ADM1979 Posts: 105 Member
    I feel like you and I are the very same path. My biggest issue is that I feel so guilty after I eat something I should not have or not exercise. I am a diabetic and I feel like when I do wrong, I just killed myself a little at a time. So, here's to us. Because that is where its all gonna start, with you and me. But I feel like it starts with small steps. The first you have accomplished, you are honest with yourself and that is a BIG thing.

    I have learned to take it one day at a time. And stay on here, cause MFP is a great place to be.

    Beside, that is why we are here. Every one of us is going thru or have gone thru this. This website shows that we are not alone!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You can do it! Stop saying I'll do better tomorrow. Stop saying I'll start again Monday. You're never going to be happy with yourself!

    A few things that helped me get going in the past include drinking more water. Whenever you're hungry, drink a glass. If you're still hungry then try to eat something nutritious!
    Just do it. Don't feel like exercising? Just do it! Blown a meal, and calories are shot? Don't wait for tomorrow, do it now!
    Eat more lean protein early in the day. It does an amazing job at curbing carb and sweet cravings. It has really worked for me!

    Now that you've claimed your place in this world. Time to do it! No more excuses, no more waiting for tomorrow. Start here and now, and never give up!

    What's the best source to get lean protein?

    Some excellent choices are chicken breast, pork tenderloin and some chops, fish (I like tilapia), and turkey. Lean beef works too, just look for cuts with less marbling. For some, soy protein works well. I can't use it personally, makes me into a super-bi***. LOL. And from dairy too.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    You have to find a plan that works for YOU. If low carb doesn't work for you, try some thing different until you find what can work with your lifestyle, your food preferences, your health etc. I bring that one up because as someone with moderate hypoglycemia, I have to limit refined carbs.
    Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes. They are just that--PAST mistakes. Take it one day at a time. Even, one good decision at a time. Give yourself a little smiley face or a dime in a jar--whatever motivates you-- for every time you make a good decision. If you make it until lunch today. Hooray for you. Try to make it to dinner tomorrow. then try to finish the whole day. I hope that doesn't sound silly but re-establishing control can take a few tries. You didn't gain 50 pounds in a week and you won't lose it in a week. But you CAN lose it! Many mfp's are living proof.
    You sound like you are really motivated and ready to get serious about doing what you need to do. Congrats! Keep logging in for support and keep your food diary to see where you are everyday. Loads of good wishes headed your way!!
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    First ... the process of getting fat is a slow and complex one, consisting of an infinite combination of lack of significant daily motion and eating habits that were far worse than you thought they were, making you gain anywhere fro 0 to 10 pounds a month (probably) . The process of reversing that is complicated and different for every person so it is going to have a lot of ups and downs and plateaus and backslides and victories. Stop thinking in terms of this week or this month and start thinking about it as a life long transformation, bcoming more and more of what you want to be.

    Second Make a friggin decision every second about how much movement you require from yourself during the day and what you see coming toward your mouth at every meal

    Third Educate yourself, read, absorb, and take only the things that make sense to you and your life and make them all into your own plan

    Fourth PLAN PLAN PLAN what you are going to eat. Cook as much as you can in advance.

    I am soooo not the best at this and fell off the wagon as recent as last week, but I won't let that beat me because I know what I want and I won't be talked out of it even by ME . So I am just telling you the same stuff I tell myself all the time .... if it doesn't work for you it's all good ... thats what the process is about ....