Babies, metmorfin and PCOS help!

I'm trying to loose weight, I have been for several years now.

I keep my calories to under 1400 per day, I have an active job in the NHS and work out min of 3 times a week + yoga.

I've been to the doctors today who has prescribed metmorfin (as i have PCOS without a M.cycle in just under two years, not because of diabetes) Dr has also recogmended a low GI diet.

I guess I want to know other peoples experiences of metmorfin, and if anyone has any low GI diet tips, but ultimately any success stories for motivation; has anyone lost the weight, had their periods become regular and conceive naturally/without IVF after taking metmorfin and how long did it take?

Mel xXx


  • mama1229
    When my son was nine I was prescribed Metformin for Type 2. I was losing weight and it was coming off fairly quickly, and I was feeling pretty good about my newer BOD. I was not planning or had no intentions of having another child but didn't use birth control or condoms on a regular basis. We were pretty carefree and figured that I just couldn't get pregnant again. Five months after starting Metformin I was pregnant.:noway: The High Risk OB I was seeing is the one who informed me that Metformin was probably the reason I was pregnant. Eight months later(early delivery due to the Diabetes) I gave birth to a 9lb 6oz 22in. long bouncing baby girl. So as far as it helping with the fertility that part was definitely true for me. I know it works differently for all people though, as does In-Vitro. A lady I work with had PCOS and she started with Metformin with no result she then had In-vitro and it was successful. She gave birth to a daughter and then by some strange twist of fate she ended up getting pregnant again, NO fertility help, before her daughter was one year old and had her second child, another girl. Best of luck to you!!:smile:
  • hunibuni73
    hunibuni73 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks, we're not trying at the moment, but I was worried two years without a cycle. . . I was starting to think it would never happen.
    Fingers crossed then.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I am on meformin extended release. It helped a lot at first, but what it comes down to is carbs. I recommend a book called The Wheat Belly Diet. It will really help you understand why our bodies don't do well with carbs
  • KLi531
    KLi531 Posts: 130 Member
    I agree, it's all about the carbs, well the wheat ones at least. I've been doing a bit of research on gluten intolerance and PCOS. I don’t take anything for my PCOS. In the past I have been on both metformin and birth control. I stopped the metformin a long time ago and stopped taking the birth control over a year ago and haven’t gotten a period since then. This summer I started taking a lot of natural supplements to help but still had no luck. After one week of being gluten free I not only did feel awesome, but I got my period again. I guess the real test will be if I get it again next month and I have a funny feeling I will. I also haven’t gotten any migraines, my sleep patterns are normal, and I am no longer fatigued all the time.
    There is also a major link between gluten and infertiity. It's really interesting and worth it just to try gluten free for a week to see if you feel any better.

    Good luck!
  • Luludes
    My doctor prescribed metformin for me when I was trying to get pregnant 4 years ago. Combined with watching by carbs, it helped me lose 30 pounds (from 20x to 18x). My periods became regular after about 3 months. My cycle was 36 days instead of 28 so tracking my periods helped me figure out my ovulation date. I used ovulation tests for baby #2. Once I knew my ovulation date for both kids, I had no problems getting pregnant.

    Good luck!
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I tried Met and only gave it about 3-4 months and I quit taking it. I saw no difference in anything while on it. Now I take bcp and feel fine. I do eat low carb. Only getting carbs from veggies. It def helps with weight loss, though very slow, and if I slip and eat processed carbs I gain weight overnight! I take fish oil and cinnamon everyday.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Just want you all to know that we have a PCOS group here on MFP! Click here to join. there are many great people there who help and support each other.

    I also want to add, even if you are not trying to conceive, it is important to address your PCOS, for the sake of your future health. Brith control pills on their own can treat the irregular periods, but there is more to it than that. PCOS greatly increases the risk of diabetes, as well as heart disease and certain cancers. For some women, metformin is needed. Others can do fine with lifestyle changes.
  • hunibuni73
    hunibuni73 Posts: 32 Member
    Wow thanks everyone, sounds like great advise! Will definitely look into gluten free etc! Any other Pcos books or sites that anyone can recogmend I will great fully receive.
    :) I don't think I can join the group from my phone, so next time I'm on the pc I definitely will!

    Thanks again everyone!