Extra Calories

I've been using this site for a while now, don't post much but I definitely read what everyone has to say. I'm a little new the whole big picture of the weight loss and I'm still learning some of the tricks and rules for being healthy and in better shape. I just had a quick question; not sure if it's been answered or not. But, if I have a large amount of extra calories left for the day (because of exercise) can I "save" them for the next day if I know that I'm going to be eating a bit "bad", I guess like I cheat day. Or should I have the calories in the day that my exercise created the deficit?


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I don't see why not! The goal is to make the right amount over time. As long as you're not a weigh every day type person, it shouldn't show up on the scale for you if you're going week by week.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    to a certain extent its fine. if youre actually hungry the day you exercise, and you dont eat them so that you can have a "cheat day" later in the week, i think thats when it becomes a problem.
    id say i only eat all my exercise calories on the day about half of the time. some of my cardio days i cant manage to eat an extra 700 calories. i eat until im full, and the rest get used on sunday for my "cheat day". but i also make sure that my goal for the week is spot on, not over at all, and very little under.
  • i didn't plan on using the extra calories for my cheat day, i just noticed how many calories i had left for the day and i most definitely won't be able to eat them for what time i have left in the day