New friends! (5'4 160 lbs)

Hi guys!

I've been here awhile, but mostly I was using the forums and keeping my own paper food journal. Now, I'm logging my food here, using the forums, and looking to make new friends to help keep me accountable - while I do the same for them! :)

I've been trying to get healthy since August of '11.
height: 5'4
age: 18yrs
SW: roughly 192lbs
CW: roughly 160.6lbs
GW: 140lbs (for now - may later be changed once I meet that goal)

I started out dieting knowing nothing of MFP or starvation mode. For awhile I ate roughly 900 calories. I increased it to 950 after awhile because I was hungry and tired of eating so few calories. I've recently increased it to 975, and am now planning on making it 1000-1100.
I say roughly because I'm a huge nibbler. I have no idea how many calories it added when I filled my cereal to overflowing in the measuring cup (instead of 1 cup), ate small squares of dark chocolate, nibbled off of 100 calorie packs, and stole the crusts from my parents biscuits. XD

To help keep me accountable, I've made my diary public. (And I chose to do this today, on a cheat day! :embarassed: )
Heh, I'm going to have to stop those little habits so I can track my food better.

TL;DR looking for new friends, to encourage and be encouraged from!
While I certainly prefer if your diary is public, I'll friend any who's arent as well. :)

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • Hello there! I'm also 5'4 and my SW is 199. I usually hover around 160, but I've had a bad couple of months. Add me if you'd like. :)
  • Hello there! I'm also 5'4 and my SW is 199. I usually hover around 160, but I've had a bad couple of months. Add me if you'd like. :)

    Adding you <3 Thanks much!
  • Hi I am also 5'4 and currently weight 166 and my first goal is to reach 140 which was my pre-pregnancy weight but my MAIN goal is to go down to about 133-135lbs. Im going to add you if you dont mind!
  • Hi I am also 5'4 and currently weight 166 and my first goal is to reach 140 which was my pre-pregnancy weight but my MAIN goal is to go down to about 133-135lbs. Im going to add you if you dont mind!

    Woot, similar goals!
    One of my worries is I won't be happy withm 140 once I reach it - but I figure I can reevaluate once I'm in healthy BMI :)
    Accepting you :D
  • Your daily calories are way too low, your body is most likely in starvation mode if it isn't in it already. You need to increase your calories to no lower than 1200 and increase your execise to a min. of 200 to 300 calories a day. Good luck
  • im_blessed
    im_blessed Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'3 SW 224, CW 179. first goal is 140 too and then i'll decide what to do from there. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey! I'm 5'4" and I started at 160. I'll add you. :)
  • I'm 5'4 and 196lb at the moment (i was 280). I struggled to lose weight over christmas but now i feel i'm back on track since i joined MyFitnessPal. I've found i don't nibble like i did before. Let's hope we can all keep going together :smile:
  • I just joined and I'm 5'4" also -- maybe we should have our own "height" group. LOL! My GW right now is about 140 lbs and I've got a long ways to go, but I think this site will definitely help!
  • Gracebel
    Gracebel Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Guys,
    I'm 5' 3 1/2 (half v important!!) & this is day 2 in MFP
    SW 166 lb
    Goal 140lb (to start then maybe less)
    I did loose 3 1/2 stone on SW but have manage to a stone & 1/2 back on :0(
    I'm back at SW but finding I'm maintaining so think I need to look at my
    calorie intake.
    It'd be nice to have added support from the great forums/groups on here!
    Look forward to our 'chats'
    Lisa xx
  • Your daily calories are way too low, your body is most likely in starvation mode if it isn't in it already. You need to increase your calories to no lower than 1200 and increase your execise to a min. of 200 to 300 calories a day. Good luck

    Did you even read the whole post...?
    I'm working on increasing my calories.

    To everyone who added me: accepted you all, loves! Thanks a ton :D
  • Hi everyone!

    I am new to MFP and I also am 5'4 and my goal weight is 140 (hoping to go lower but will evaluate it at that time). It is nice to see so many others with the same goals.
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    Hey All! Yup, in the category as well, 5'4, 166. Looking to change my lifestyle and get healthy! Exercise and eating right are what I'm working toward. Actually keeping a diary/log of all my activities helps to keep me accountable. If I cheat, I'm only cheating myself. I'm worth more than that!!!
    Anyone interested in buddying up and getting healthy together? Add me if you are!
    Here's to a healthy lifestyle and feeling GREAT!
  • Hi, I'm 5'4 (and 1/2) and I started at 168 before MFP last year. The lowest I've been while using MFP was 144 and I looked so different! I only needed a couple more pounds to be at an "ideal" weight but then I feel off the wagon (boo). I got back up to 159 over Xmas break but now I've been stuck at 150 for a couple of weeks. My ideal/goal weight is 135. I've been lower than that and I didn't like the way it looked on me. I think 135ish is perfect for me.

    This is me at 165 and 150:

    I want to follow more people that are 5'4 :)
  • I've been contemplating really committing myself to losing weight for a while, and I found MFP just a few days ago and its so easy. My current weight is 163 lbs and my goal weight is 135 lbs! I just know I need to stay motivated and not go off track. Congrats on the weight already lost and great job!