Having a really hard time staying focused

I started out well enough, I lost 8 pounds in January...the past week I keep binging, going over by around 300-600 cal a day (I think I've stayed within my 1300 cal allowance MAYBE twice). I don't know what's wrong with me. Every morning I wake up and say, "Okay, now to stay focused!" but by the end of the day I'm offered sweets (especially because it's V-day) left and right and I've gone way over...

Can anyone give me a good ol' fashioned pep talk, please? I would appreciate it. :[


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Simple questions that you really need to sit down and think about: How bad do you want this? How much of a priority is it? Is going over 300-400 calories worth giving it up? Do you believe you deserve to be healthy and fit?

    Another thing I'd recommend is writing down 5 things you want to do but can't now because of your weight. Tape it to your bathroom mirror so you see it every day. Make each one a goal. Mark them off as you go.
  • Think of where you came from and don't lose sight in where you want to go! It's a choice every hour and at times, every minute. You are worth taking care of! Tomorrow set off with a positive attitude and the belief in yourself and I know you will succeed. After one day without binging, you will be back on your path to success!
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Thank you. :] I really love this community.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Another thing I'd recommend is writing down 5 things you want to do but can't now because of your weight. Tape it to your bathroom mirror so you see it every day. Make each one a goal. Mark them off as you go.

    Stealing this!!
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Praise the Lord, someone in the same hellbox I am at. I just was doing fine, and all of a sudden I totally DID NOT want to play this game anymore.

    I bought a BUNCH, like an unhealthy lot, of candy and have been eating nothing but it for days.
    I get on the scale, and realize that I have not only gone up .2 pounds, but 2.4 pounds. And...I don't care!!!

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Praise the Lord, someone in the same hellbox I am at. I just was doing fine, and all of a sudden I totally DID NOT want to play this game anymore.

    I bought a BUNCH, like an unhealthy lot, of candy and have been eating nothing but it for days.
    I get on the scale, and realize that I have not only gone up .2 pounds, but 2.4 pounds. And...I don't care!!!


    If you don't want to do this enough to throw that bag of candy out right now, then there's nothing anyone can say to help. Go, right now, and throw it in the dumpster OUTSIDE your house. If you can't, then you're not ready. It's okay if you're not ready, just FYI. This is a lifetime change so you gotta hate being fat more than you love that candy.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    I know that this is all emotional eating. Tomorrow is V day, and my anniversary, and my marriage could use a lot of improvement. So, I eat. I know that I care, cuz I'm here writing this.

    I am going to down 5 things and put it on my mirror. And give all the damn candy to the Mailman. Yes, you heard me right, the mailman. My husband doesn't need those empty calories either.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I know that this is all emotional eating. Tomorrow is V day, and my anniversary, and my marriage could use a lot of improvement. So, I eat. I know that I care, cuz I'm here writing this.

    I am going to down 5 things and put it on my mirror. And give all the damn candy to the Mailman. Yes, you heard me right, the mailman. My husband doesn't need those empty calories either.

    Good girl! :smile:
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I know that this is all emotional eating. Tomorrow is V day, and my anniversary, and my marriage could use a lot of improvement. So, I eat. I know that I care, cuz I'm here writing this.

    I am going to down 5 things and put it on my mirror. And give all the damn candy to the Mailman. Yes, you heard me right, the mailman. My husband doesn't need those empty calories either.

    Now that you mention emotional eating, I think that's my issue too. Work has been stressful and my daughter (she's almost 2) has been sick, so everything's just...stressful...tomorrow I think I'm going to get a good workout in, maybe some yoga, and try to defuse this neverending stressbomb. xD
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. It's nice to know somebody cares. If you could lose weight by crying, I would be pencil thin. But, I did this. Me. Nobody forced the food into my mouth. And nobody is going to tie my hands so I can't eat either.

    You all are right.

    It is a choice. My choice

    Am I sick to death of wearing size 24/26? Am I tired of being told "You have such a pretty face?" (well, no..ha ha) But, you know what I mean.

    I CHOOSE to be healthy!.

    I CHOOSE think about what I am eating before putting it on my plate.

    I CHOOSE to quit wallowing in my sorrows, and actively do something to better my day, myself, and my life, before I eat something not good for me.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    I hope you feel better tomorrow. Emotions do play a big part in many people's weight problems.

    Also, you mentioned your 2 yr old was sick. I just babysat my grandson (5) and granddaughter (2) who is also sick. It was only for about 4 hours, but it took a toll on me. I was a single parent, and I know that helped me pack on the initial pounds.

    Girl, If I could come over and help you out by taking your daughter off your hands for a few hours I would.

    Be good to yourself

    Happy V day tomorrow..and only 1 piece of candy. Like a jellybean..ha ha.:bigsmile: .
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I hope you feel better tomorrow. Emotions do play a big part in many people's weight problems.

    Also, you mentioned your 2 yr old was sick. I just babysat my grandson (5) and granddaughter (2) who is also sick. It was only for about 4 hours, but it took a toll on me. I was a single parent, and I know that helped me pack on the initial pounds.

    Girl, If I could come over and help you out by taking your daughter off your hands for a few hours I would.

    Be good to yourself

    Happy V day tomorrow..and only 1 piece of candy. Like a jellybean..ha ha.:bigsmile: .

    Aww thank you, that's very kind. She has a double ear-infection, my poor baby...but alas, this is parenthood. I have so much respect for single parents. My boyfriend, her father, is a great help, and I don't know if I could do it without him. :]

    Happy Valentine's Day, early, be good to yourself, and your own Valentine. You must be your own best friend to pull yourself out of anything. It's a lesson I'm learning myself...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. It's nice to know somebody cares. If you could lose weight by crying, I would be pencil thin. But, I did this. Me. Nobody forced the food into my mouth. And nobody is going to tie my hands so I can't eat either.

    You all are right.

    It is a choice. My choice

    Am I sick to death of wearing size 24/26? Am I tired of being told "You have such a pretty face?" (well, no..ha ha) But, you know what I mean.

    I CHOOSE to be healthy!.

    I CHOOSE think about what I am eating before putting it on my plate.

    I CHOOSE to quit wallowing in my sorrows, and actively do something to better my day, myself, and my life, before I eat something not good for me.

    Now, focus on changing that choice into "doing". You are worth it.
  • I think most of us stumble sometimes. I know I have, a lot. Occasionally, that stumble has turned into a pretty vicious fall. I'm still nursing some of the wounds. The fact that you are here, sharing your trials, is a sign that you care enough not to just shrug it off. Reaching out is a good thing, and it pleases me no end to see that I have FINALLY found a site where real people respond with real caring and concern.

    Trust me when I say, you are not alone, and you WILL get over this hurdle. Don't beat yourself up over it... just pick yourself up and move forward. I'll be right there beside you.
  • guess what...?
    It aint over yet...
    don't look at where you've been....
    look forward...2 weeks left in this month...
    time to plan...
    set baby goals...4 lbs by march (for example)
    have snacks on hand...eat often....make alternate snacks (cocoa almonds) to boxed candy...
    so at least you are getting protein with your sweet fix.

    also....a lot of times If I am craving something, I eat 1/2 a portion...to get my fix but not overdo the calories/ 5 pretzes is 1/2 a serv.
    also...when you eat meals and snacks....do combos....think of it as nutrition goals...

    am snack = unsweetened applesauce w/ 14 raw almonds... 130 calories, a fruit and a protein
    pm snack = 10 baby carrots + 3 tablespoons veggie dip... 125 calories, a veg and a protein

    when eating meals... start with veg, protein, then carbs.

    Hope I could help.:flowerforyou:
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    guess what...?
    It aint over yet...
    don't look at where you've been....
    look forward...2 weeks left in this month...
    time to plan...
    set baby goals...4 lbs by march (for example)
    have snacks on hand...eat often....make alternate snacks (cocoa almonds) to boxed candy...
    so at least you are getting protein with your sweet fix.

    also....a lot of times If I am craving something, I eat 1/2 a portion...to get my fix but not overdo the calories/ 5 pretzes is 1/2 a serv.
    also...when you eat meals and snacks....do combos....think of it as nutrition goals...

    am snack = unsweetened applesauce w/ 14 raw almonds... 130 calories, a fruit and a protein
    pm snack = 10 baby carrots + 3 tablespoons veggie dip... 125 calories, a veg and a protein

    when eating meals... start with veg, protein, then carbs.

    Hope I could help.:flowerforyou:

    Wow, Wonderful!! Thank you all so much.!! Hope to be seeing LESS of you soon..lol.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    bump to read what everyone else says b/c i need a pep talk too! good luck!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Also, if you haven't already, please read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/470367-tips-for-newbies

    I wrote it for newbies just getting started and those who maybe get frustrated along the way.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    To Tenoreo90'



    And everyone else on this post, you have been the sunshine in my day. Yes, I can make it with friends like you. Write to me if you need encouragement. Friend me , please.

    Take care.

  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    I love this, it's going on the fridge

    "I CHOOSE to quit wallowing in my sorrows, and actively do something to better my day, myself, and my life, before I eat something not good for me."

    Thank you!