Ex Wants to Talk on Daily Basis But Drops Me Immediately Whe



  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Pay him off.
    Don't answer his calls.
    Change your locks too.
    If you can't do these three things, then you don't want to be rid of him.

  • springermoms
    Put on some Adele music; read the lyrics; get strong and motivated by her songs ...the guy that broke up with her and broke her heart is the one that motivated her to be what she is today. you can be the best without that junk
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    Agree with Wellbert. It's just as challenging to stay down in an emotional mess as it is to come out of it. You're cheating a good man out of the chance to be with you. Pay what you owe, then lose this guy's number, don't take his calls. It will never get easier than it is today, so be quick and decisive. Kick him to the curb for good and watch yourself grow... emotionally. :-)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    What are you doing this to yourself for?
    BUCK UP; have no further contact with this person.
    Move on and just cease everything.
    Lie and tell him you've met somebody else or whatever.

    If you don't get this user OUT OF YOUR LIFE, then you deserve anything you get.

    You are worthy of so much more, but you can't find something better so long as you remain hung up on Mr Wrong.
    Do it today.
  • irisheyes1977
    my ex does the same thing though he doesn't know my phone number or anything ...had to change it cause it kept going off with a txt or call literally every 3 minutes....drove me nuts...now he ims me thru yahoo i just ignore it half the time...because all it is is a ploy to get me to talk to him them him turn the table and start picking a fight...points out my flaws and such and all then he can't understand why i get mad...but i dont go off i just log off of the messenger. then a few days later he'll be like oh what i can't tell u how i fell? i say nope cause its just nothing but bashing me. its just the last way he is trying to control me and its eating him up that he knows i dont need him to live my life and im happier healthier and better off without him. and it sounds like your ex is doing the same thing...dont play into his game...its just his way of going to try to control you until you make yourself be heard loud that he has no control over you anymore though he will keep trying dont fall victim to this.
  • thea0101
    thea0101 Posts: 54 Member
    Ok so you're a little older than I am. You might be feeling the pressure since most people our age (I am 31) have families or are in a stable relationship. I too, am in a wonderful relationship, but before this one I was single for around 5 years. I just didn't see the point in being in a relationship if it meant being with someone who makes you cry more than you laugh. Well, the wait was worth it, because I have been "laughing" for 6 years with my present boyfriend. As I said earlier, never settle.

    It doesn't matter if you're 100lbs or you're 400lbs. You deserve someone who sees you as a beautiful person, not a number that needs to be regulated. Get on with your healthy journey and do it for yourself. The best revenge is moving on and after a year or two he sees you healthy, sexy, and happy - without him. lol!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Cut off all communication: phone, text, facebook, Twitter. Everything. Block him. No explanation needed. He will know why, he's a jerk but he's not stupid. He is a master manipulator and you have been a puppet. Time to cut ties. Get the song "I've got no strings to hold me down' from the pinnochio soundtrack and use it as your ringtone, if you have to.

    Either pay him back ASAP or get someone else to pay him and owe the other person instead.

    This isnt about revenge, it is about protecting yourself by letting go of every method of manipulation that he was using on you. Give him no opportunity to reel you back in. No strings!

    Repeat after me: "I'd rather be single than wish I was."

    Now go do something fun with some girlfriends. :-)
  • onewithwings
    What ^ they said.

    You'll never be able to have a healthy relationship. Cut off all ties. Move on...be happy you did!

    Speaking from experience from one who knows!
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    It doesn't seem like you are ever going to get closure from him, start with you! :)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    You'll need to cut this off, he probably won't. When you get tired of it, cut it off completely. He seems like an immature *kitten*. You deserve better. And don't think you can't cut him off before paying him back. Money has nothing to do with it.
  • lillystargazer
    Definitely pay him back the loan and cut off ALL communication. He is using you as a "fall-back" and it's not okay in any way. I was in a similar situation for a very long time. Also, you need to realize, you can and will be happy without him! Only you can make you happy, no one else.

    I hope everything works out for you. :smile:
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    PPfftt pay this loser to get rid of him.
    If the man doesn't make you happy - what's the point?
    "Slip out the back -Jack..... set yourself free"
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    Look, I just read all this...stuff. It is hard for me to believe you are in your thirties. This sounds like High School stuff. Please don't be offended, but you should at least listen to the MEN who are answering you. They have no reason to BS you.

    Look, the guy is a loser. Period. He is feces.

    If he loved you he would want what is BEST for you. I know these kind of men, because I have been where you are, but I was much younger, and didn't wait around SO HE COULD WIPE HIS FEET ON ME EVERY TIME HE WALKED OUT THE DOOR.

    Turn the table. LOVE YOURSELF. Find a way, any way, to pay him back, and get a receipt. SERIOUSLY!! Or you will be on Peoples Court or one of those trash shows. Write a check, so you can PROVE you paid him off.

    Then, like EVERYONE else has said, RUN. GO. NOW. And NEVER speak to this anal sphincter again.

    Go out with your girlfriends tomorrow, get a mani/pedi. Do something nice for you. And BLOCK his calls.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    This sounds like a lot of drama and I think for your own sanity just let it be & move on. If your gonna be friend you need boundaries so you or he doesn't get the wrong idea. I think the fact you have feelings for him means at this moment you shouldn't be friends. Pay him back so he can't hold it over you and be EX free for a bit. Heal & grow.

    ^ Well said. Heal and grow, dear heart.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I think he obvously doesn't give you common curtisy, he is disrepecting you and you do not deserve that, I say forget about him, he is using you my dear, a lot of men can really be very selfish and users, the best thing you can do is not allow him any contact, it will just hurt you more, and give your self time, time will heal you, beleive me =)

    (and Jesus can comfort you ;)
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member

    However, from what I skimmed through, that's fairly normal. You need to make the break from him when he comes back to you after being dumped or vice versa if this bothers you a lot.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I skimmed too. If you don't have kids together, you need to finish up an loose ends and never speak to him again. If you do have kids, then only speak to him about the kids. Don't say anything at all about how your life is or reply to any of his life.

    In case you didn't notice, he has you on a leash. He only keeps you around as a "fall-back" in case no one else will have him. Don't be that girl. You obviously can't be friends, so don't be anything at all.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    To be honest, I stopped reading your post after the first paragraph because the rest is irrelevant.

    Stop taking his calls.

    The rest is just drama.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    He wants someone to kick around (you) while he's still out chasing tail.
  • pokeypeep
    He's an immature controlling ****o. It has nothing to do with your desirability. He wants you to be his backup booty. You should have more self respect than that.

    Pay him back. Don't take anything from him. Cut all ties. Move on.

    I have to agree with this.He's only preventing you from moving on and getting the life you deserve.