
Hi Everyone, I am looking for Friends to add to myfitnesspal, to keep each other motivated and offer encouragement, I have just started this so have only done 4 days so far, but finding it alot easier than any other diet as I have it with me where ever I go.

Please add me if you would like to be a friend.

Thank you :happy:


  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am looking for Friends to add to myfitnesspal, to keep each other motivated and offer encouragement, I have just started this so have only done 4 days so far, but finding it alot easier than any other diet as I have it with me where ever I go.

    Please add me if you would like to be a friend.

    Thank you :happy:

    happy to be on board....Lisa x
  • Julesbriff
    Julesbriff Posts: 39 Member
    Hi - Have only been doing this 4 days aswell and could do with some motivational buddies - will send a friend request.