Hi, I am new and addicted to dairy.

So after reading my food diary, I realized I eat a crazy amount of dairy. Cheese, milk, cream cheese, cheese sticks, yogurt etc etc.
Does anybody else have this problem?
I crave it like crazy, and I LOVVVEEE cheese.
Any healthy alternatives that are still tasty?


  • stormtrooper73
    as long as you plan your meals correctly a slice of cheese wont break the bank..but if you eat cheese like a mouse on crack then all you are doing is pumping your boby full of fat............ theres many low fat options but even those can be harsh on the calorie scale......................... all the best...stormy
  • shotgunxpolly
    hello mandiesnow!

    I have a long term love affair with cheese. They are just all so tasty!! Another weakness of mine is condiments. I haven't really swapped any cheeses but just cut back on them. The best way is to only enjoy your little cheesy goodies every other day.

    Diary is so interesting after a while when you get to see what you have eaten over a length of time.

    Hope this helps you even a little bit!

  • Milliebear66
    Milliebear66 Posts: 23 Member
    Hiya, I too am a mouse.. . I could happily live off cheese, went out the other night and had baked camembert to start.. and a cheese board for dessert.. madness...

    I have to allow a little blip or else I will give up .. it's ok - we are only human :love:
  • alie5612
    hiya all i love cheese didnt know it till i started on here how much i used to eat but now i allow myself a little bit now and then still have Philadelphia for my lunch and i am happy haha
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    i used to melt cheese and eat it ON ITS OWN..... yes thats right, thats how disgusting i am.

    i would put cheese on everything, chips n cheese, cheese sandwhich, cheese on chilli, cheese on spagetti, cheese on chicken, you name it i tried it......

    so cheese is usually banned from my fridge.... except for special occasions,

    iv got a new love affair now with philadelphia cheese spread.... not as satisfying but certainly hits the spot :) x
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    as long as you plan your meals correctly a slice of cheese wont break the bank..but if you eat cheese like a mouse on crack then all you are doing is pumping your boby full of fat............ theres many low fat options but even those can be harsh on the calorie scale......................... all the best...stormy

    Eating fat doesn't make you fat.
  • glenndanzig
    glenndanzig Posts: 8 Member
    i am vegan so i don't eat any dairy but i do drink a lot of almond milk. of all milk substitutions i've tried (soy, rice, etc.), i think it tastes closest to real milk AND it has the fewest calories. if you live near a trader joe's, pick up a carton of their unsweetened vanilla almond milk and give it a try. as far as cheeses, i'm not really sure--never was a big cheese eater. however i did a raw vegan diet for a few months and we made "cheeses" from cashews and other nuts. look into raw vegan cheese recipes for an alternative. they are healthy and delicious! additionally, for cream cheese, tofutti makes a vegan version and so does trader joe's. both taste close enough to the real thing.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    did you know there is a website called cheeseslave??
  • Kat5688
    Kat5688 Posts: 27 Member
    i used to melt cheese and eat it ON ITS OWN..... yes thats right, thats how disgusting i am.

    i would put cheese on everything, chips n cheese, cheese sandwhich, cheese on chilli, cheese on spagetti, cheese on chicken, you name it i tried it......

    so cheese is usually banned from my fridge.... except for special occasions,

    iv got a new love affair now with philadelphia cheese spread.... not as satisfying but certainly hits the spot :) x

    That makes me disgusting as well, haha. And I don't buy cheese that often anymore either. Plus, not too long ago I discovered that regular cheese has rennet in it, so (being a vegetarian) I have to buy organic cheese which is quite expensive where I live. So for ethical and financial reasons I eat much less cheese than I used to!