1200 Daily Calorie Intake - Friend Request



  • cassavaca
    cassavaca Posts: 89 Member
    My caloric intake is set at 1230, so feel free to add me as well!

    As for Dan's comment, each person is different and as for me, backed up from my personal trainer, for the goal that I have set for myself and body style (im 5'6") i need to only consume around 1200 calories a day. Im pretty sure MFP isnt perfect with calculating the correct calorie intake for some, but it does for others. I think I have now gotten into the babbling stage, LOL, so ill stop now.

    Anyways...you can do it!
  • Hi! I am also at 1200 Calorie intake! I am 5'2" and do have lots of "dieting" issues... I would love to join -- if there is room for another!
  • christine2310
    christine2310 Posts: 8 Member
    im a 1200 girl too, feel free to add me.
  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm at 1200, feel free to add :)
  • I'm at the 1200 goal as well. Feel free to add me

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Mine is set at 1210. set me as friend and i'll give some thoughts on what i eat. I have two people in my home following MFP.
  • I am set to 1200 too! Feel free to add me guys, I'm from the UK :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    hi there... i have to echo what everyone is saying about eating more. i think you need a little more than 1200. i tried it for a while but was so hungry and was actually slowing my metabolism down doing it. it was so scary. i'd eat more than that and gain because i messed myself up doing it. once i got to 1400 i started to gradually see weight loss again. still seeing weight loss at 1600. i am a small person too, 5'4" 123 lb... so it's ok to eat more. i dont' work out like crazy either. only 30 minutes a day, burn about 240 calories... i know eating less seems like the answer but in the long run you have to work harder to get your metabolism up. i have been doing this for 6 months and realized this after a few months of lower calories. keep your metabolism high if you can.

    i totally agree about lean mass loss too. i have seen much better fat loss by eating more calories. i am preserving my lean body mass while losing fat. if i ate less, i'd have to sacrifice some muscle too.
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm at 1200 as well - feel free to add me!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My caloric intake is set at 1230, so feel free to add me as well!

    As for Dan's comment, each person is different and as for me, backed up from my personal trainer, for the goal that I have set for myself and body style (im 5'6") i need to only consume around 1200 calories a day. Im pretty sure MFP isnt perfect with calculating the correct calorie intake for some, but it does for others. I think I have now gotten into the babbling stage, LOL, so ill stop now.

    Anyways...you can do it!

    At your height 5'6" your BMR is appx 1400+ calories so your fitness trainer is already wrong by having you eat below what your vital organs need to survive. Youve already lost the game and you are just getting started.
    And unless you have some type of health issue, everybody isnt different.
    I've been doing this for quite some time and have debunked that.
    Yes its true that some people lose fat a a different rate but the human body can only lose so much fat before it starts targeting other fuel sources in the body.
    Protein is next in line.
    I guarantee you will fail at 1200.

    Apologies to the OP BTW I dont want to hijack this thread so if any of you want to be able to eat better and up to 2k a day and lose just fat please feel free to use the tools listed or I can run numbers for you.
  • Hello there:)

    I am trying to stick to 1200 calories a day too. My problem is guessing the calories of the food I am eating.:)

    Would love for anyone who wants to add me:)

  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    genuinely guys... you may lose weight at 1200... but you will destroy your metabolism.. and it will mean yu lose muscle mass.

    each pound of muscle you carry burns an extra 50 cals a day at rest!!!

    why would you NOT want to keep that lovely burny muscle?!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    My caloric intake is set at 1230, so feel free to add me as well!

    As for Dan's comment, each person is different and as for me, backed up from my personal trainer, for the goal that I have set for myself and body style (im 5'6") i need to only consume around 1200 calories a day. Im pretty sure MFP isnt perfect with calculating the correct calorie intake for some, but it does for others. I think I have now gotten into the babbling stage, LOL, so ill stop now.

    Anyways...you can do it!

    At your height 5'6" your BMR is appx 1400+ calories so your fitness trainer is already wrong by having you eat below what your vital organs need to survive. Youve already lost the game and you are just getting started.
    And unless you have some type of health issue, everybody isnt different.
    I've been doing this for quite some time and have debunked that.
    Yes its true that some people lose fat a a different rate but the human body can only lose so much fat before it starts targeting other fuel sources in the body.
    Protein is next in line.
    I guarantee you will fail at 1200.

    Apologies to the OP BTW I dont want to hijack this thread so if any of you want to be able to eat better and up to 2k a day and lose just fat please feel free to use the tools listed or I can run numbers for you.

    i think what it comes down to is a lot of people see results fast at 1200. when i say results i mean the number on the scale. however, there is more to fitness than the number on the scale. the problem is 1200 calorie diets and big losses of weight means a lot of muscle loss too in addition to fat loss. the number on the scale may drop but really more is being sacrificed than just losing fat. especially if you are a small person and don't have a lot to lose, then the muscles will be sacrificed along with fat.... at least this is my personal experience. trying to help others see that fast isn't always better. i have lost 27 lb but would like to have lost not much muscle in that process. which i could have done by starting on a higher calorie diet like maybe 1400 or something like that.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    My caloric intake is set at 1230, so feel free to add me as well!

    As for Dan's comment, each person is different and as for me, backed up from my personal trainer, for the goal that I have set for myself and body style (im 5'6") i need to only consume around 1200 calories a day. Im pretty sure MFP isnt perfect with calculating the correct calorie intake for some, but it does for others. I think I have now gotten into the babbling stage, LOL, so ill stop now.

    Anyways...you can do it!
    You may want to have another talk with your trainer. 1200 calories a day is low, esp if you're doing intensive workouts. I have yet to meet a trainer that recommends a low calorie diet. Mine is constantly on me to up my calories and my goals are set to 1800 a day. You are right that everyone is different, but we all need fuel for our bodies to run efficiently, and unless you have a sedentary lifestyle and are small (height/weight) 1200 just isn't going to do it.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    My caloric intake is set at 1230, so feel free to add me as well!

    As for Dan's comment, each person is different and as for me, backed up from my personal trainer, for the goal that I have set for myself and body style (im 5'6") i need to only consume around 1200 calories a day. Im pretty sure MFP isnt perfect with calculating the correct calorie intake for some, but it does for others. I think I have now gotten into the babbling stage, LOL, so ill stop now.

    Anyways...you can do it!
    You may want to have another talk with your trainer. 1200 calories a day is low, esp if you're doing intensive workouts. I have yet to meet a trainer that recommends a low calorie diet. Mine is constantly on me to up my calories and my goals are set to 1800 a day. You are right that everyone is different, but we all need fuel for our bodies to run efficiently, and unless you have a sedentary lifestyle and are small (height/weight) 1200 just isn't going to do it.

    i work a desk job (sedentery), only burn 1200 calories a week through exercise, i'm 5'4" 123 (i'd consider small) and 1200 will not do it for me... 1400 seems more reasonable even for a "small" person.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Im set at 1200 without workout. I hardly eat 1200 though since i work out a lot and im always hungry, so i eat around 1300 to 1600
  • I'm at 1200, have been doing it for a long time..don't always hit it-but feel free to add me. :love:
  • Please feel free to add me. I am currently doing 1200 cals per day but the more I read about eating more the more it makes sense.
  • Im a 1200 calorie girl feel free to add
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I am currently doing 1200 cals per day but the more I read about eating more the more it makes sense.

    YEAH IT DOES!!! :heart: