are people THAT naive??...... yes they are



  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I think for some people they find it easier for the calories to be counted for them but in her case she would be best to learn how to count calories rather than binging at the end. I wonder if she is not aware of calories at all, I mean it's easy to count calories when you are roughly aware of how many calories are in different items of food but to contemplate it when you aren't able to have a rough idea in your head of what you are consuming.

    She may just think there is some magic potion in the shakes and not that it's cutting her overall calorie consumption down.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    If people don't want to listen to me, I just tell them "Fine, enjoy being fat" and it's the end of it. Don't waste time getting mad with people that refuse to try.
  • sammycool1986
    sammycool1986 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm diabetic so can't do any of these silly fad diets, no carbs, no real food what kind of life is it?

    I love food I would rather count calories then deprive myself of the good stuff.

    One of my friends before her wedding did the cambridge diet as she hates any form of exercise and I just thought as soon as you nstop it will all go abck on!

    My weight loss may be slow but I feel a sense of achievement every time the scales go down or the measuring tape goes in that little bit more xxx
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    think its something like you put your body into "ketosis" where it then starts just using up fat intake as its not getting enough nutirents, but where does it end???

    also know some girls who do a "juice diet" where they consume less than 500 calories a day.... thats just dangerous
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    i have this friend, who last year done the lighter life diet, - (for anyone who doesnt know about this, you eat ONLY shakes and soups and rapily lose weight)
    she done it and lost about 3 stone in 2 months and looked fab, however as with "fake diets" once she stopped the weight piled back on and she is now heavier than her starting weight.

    i tried to explain about counting calories and was shot down with - "nope, doesnt work"

    so anyway now shes doing the slim fast diet, you drink 2 shakes a day and have a 600 calorie dinner and one 200 calorie snack. looked at the shakes and they work out as 250 cals each so technically she is consuming 1200 calories anyway.

    she done this for diet 2 weeks and lost 5lbs then binged out and gained 3lbs and was really feeling down about it and so we had a chat

    again tried to explain that calorie counting has to work and again was slapped away with "no, doesnt, av tried, cant be dealing with counting calories"

    bit of a slap to the face when she knows iv lost 75lbs counting calories eh??

    are some people really that naive that they think reducing your calories and watching your food intake doesnt help???

    does anyone else have any friends like this????
    Yes, or should I say "HAD" - I had a few friends like this.

    And yes, they're STILL FAT - :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    No, fatter!

    Like you I tried to explain, hoping reason would invade their senses, but no.
    They had to go their own way with similar results experienced by your fat, yoyo dieting friend.

    Finally, I just got to the point where I had lasting results, they did not and I began to rub their faces in it and just gloat over these absurd diet misfortunes openly.

    And today, I have new, fit friends who place optimal health above the fleeting pleasures of bad eating or crash diets.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    People looking for the quick fix...
  • c3js80
    c3js80 Posts: 82 Member
    She's just not ready yet. I have a friend who thinks she's dieting by eating a taco salad.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    She's not ready to work hard. The diets she's been doing are easy. People go through them like crazy trying to find one that will be that miracle diet. Not going to happen. She'll figure it out eventually.

    I agree. this year several exceedingly overweight people i know posted facebook statuses that they were on diets. I immediately commented great stuff, check out MFP too, gave them the link. They just WON'T. They won't even look at it. Its really weird. Here I am, I've noticely dropped a lot of weight and got fitter in the last year, they know that, and they don't want to know what helped me.

    I think they aren't really as serious about losing weight as they say. They like the idea of being slimmer, but don't like the idea of the hard work it entails. Its sad. A fat friend of mine did the cambridge diet, her mother has had gastric bypass and been in and out of hospital for good ness sake. Her mum is the same age as me! so she knows the risks. Now she's pregnant and back eating McD's. She'll be fatter than ever after the baby. She's only 25.

    They just don't really want to change. Maybe they never will. But it is frustrating!
  • Most people are of the Instant Gratification mindset....think "drive-through" mentality. When they ask "how did you do it?" How do you stay looking so good (fit)?" etc. They are really looking for a quick do this *insert diet plan*....begin on Monday and by Friday you'll look like a Rock Star!!!! and Not only that JUST ONE WEEK of dedication to this *pill* this *shake* this *cabbage leaf* will change your life and you will look like a Rock Star forever!!!!!
    When the answer is ...."I watch what I eat...make more healthy than unhealthy choices, control portions and limit "treats" Oh and I excercise 5-6 days a week" can literally see their face go ...."EWWWWW!" :huh: and then their excuses start...I don't have time to cook/shop/excercise......I dont think it is naivity as much as fickle and unwilling to make a "life change"....
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    What I've noticed is that most people that are very overweight and want to lose weight tend to get into a state of denial. She's been fooling herself for quite a while, and she probably has convinced herself that food is what got her to be overweight, so food can't help her get out of it. If she knows you've lost so much weight by doing it, she's obviously subconsciously in denial. Just keep being supportive and mention it from time to time I suppose.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    At the end of the day, she'll believe what you're saying when she's ready to actually listen. Untill then, just be a friend and be there for her.
  • msdizliz
    msdizliz Posts: 10 Member
    The thing about these liquid diets is that those that go on them end up spending a ton of money. The only ones that win in the end are the people promoting them. Better to count calories and watch what you eat. I am 58 and started the 17 day diet 16 days ago and have lost 10lb. And already feeling so much better. And this l can stick with because l am eating real food!
  • I know someone like that. She started MFP before me and said it was rubbish, as she didn't loose any weight while using it. I then joined and have lost 24 lbs so far, but she still keeps criticising my food diary and she will say things like, "I thought you were on a diet?" and other negative comments. She doesn't believe that I have lost 24 lbs just by counting calories. The problem is that even though she says the site doesn't help you lose weight., she doesn't actually use MFP properly!! I tried to help her out and give her motivationm, but she was like. "I can't do with all that logging food, rubbish." and when she did start logging food she wouldn't add all the junk food because "it will make my food diary look bad". She then stopped using MFP altogether because "It's pointless".
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Go easy on the person. A lot of us, even if we're doing better now, were at that point as some time in our lives. That's a reason many of us are on this site to begin with. We overindulged and didn't do the right things to compensate for those indulgences (I know that was me at least).

    Losing weight is simple, but it's certainly not easy. Counting calories can be a massive pain in the *kitten*, hell even people that do it are often wildly off in their estimations. It takes time and a lot of discipline.

    Be supportive if you can, and don't let it get to you.
  • karnypops
    karnypops Posts: 21 Member
    Also doesn't she think if she is consuming 1200 calories anyway she would be more satisfied with actual food rather than shakes, i would still be starving just having a shake for lunch but you can make a delicious and healthy low cal soup that would be way more filling - i don't see the point in faddy diets, I don't think they really work in the long run, plus it must feel like your depriving yourself all the time.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    It is kind of maddening. I am not one to talk about being healthy because I have over 125 lbs to lose. But I have lost the weight before, and it was through careful and healthy food choices, and portion control..PLUUUSSSSS exercise. That's all ya need I think. Diets are weird creatures, everyone wants to beat it with a stick. It really is that black and white.

    This! ^^^^^^^
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I don't think they are naive, I think they are in denial. I was one of those people and now that I see how "easy" (((((as in basic, it can get tough to keep oneself in control))))) it is I can't believe it took me this long. She will come around.
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    And then you get celebs like Pauline Quirk advertising Lighter Life by saying she is "doing away with fad diets like counting calories and points"
    Huh? :noway:

    I agree, you would think she would realise there is no way she is going to be able to live the rest of her life on shakes!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    YAY! I drink all my food and lose fat AND muscle!?!?!?!
    Where do I sign up?!?!?!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Yes they are..

    My bf's previous landlady is just like this. He used to live with her and they got on well so he knew all about the diets she was on. Her most "successful" if you can call it that was the Cambridge diet. She lost a ton of weight really quickly (in about 3 months) and was really proud of herself...

    ..She gained it all back though when she went back to eating normally :ohwell:

    She's also a huge fan of gimmicky weight loss / exercise things. 6 second abs, shake weights, anything that promises to give you great results and fast. Everything she uses she'll get bored of and give away / sell to others after a while. He tried giving her advice of how to do it properly (we didn't know of MFP then) but everything was always too hard.