Getting ready to do my first 5k...

So this one is a help, what do i do thread.

so i started my journey a few weeks ago, im working out 5 out of 7 days a week, lifting heavy, doing just dance and biking for my cardio... having some good burns (got a polar) and getting my heart rate up into the 150s-170s then back down again then up again regularly.

i have shin splints, and planter fascitiis, as such im going to a proper running store at the end of February when i get paid to get some proper shoes BEFORE i embark on couch to 5k...

what i want to know, am i best to carry on doing what i am doing until then to get my heart pumping, and muscles working... then go at the couch to 5k when i have my shoes?

i THINK i need a stability shoe, ive done the wet foot test and the bend at the knees pronation test.

any advice happily taken :)


  • hitmewitdarock
    good luck on the 5k.. i want to do one too so i can run with my kids (teenagers)

    i would wait for the right shoes if you think thats what is needed.. i already hurt my ankle running (i could barely walk for a week) so take it easy and dont rush it...

    also you might try using the elliptical at your gym more... atleast get the legs going in the right direction without hurting yourself...
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
  • Shyn6409
    Good luck and congrats on deciding to sign up for a 5k! I started running back in November and had some serious ankle pain and shin splints as well that started a couple of months later. I ended up having to take a break from running for almost a month because I could hardly walk.

    While I was on "break" from running I was so worried that I might lose my stamina and endurance that I had been working so hard to build up. I used the elliptical for 40 mins 6 days a week on the cardio setting and doing intervals, pushing myself to make sure I kept my heartrate up. It was a lot easier on my joints and even though I found it hard to walk, I could still use the elliptical comfortably. During this period I also focused a lot on strength training in my legs as well and doing various ankle stretches.

    When I finally got into some proper running shoes (I needed more arch support) and started running again I was so surprised! I was much faster than I was before and could run over twice the distance without stopping. Ive only been running again for about 3 weeks, and now I can run 5K straight without stopping. Now I'm trying to focus on my speed. I am taking it slow for now, I run 3 days a week. I think doing this it will give the muscles in my legs time to adjust and get used to running.

    Another thing I noticed is that my shin splints are completely gone now. I credit this to strength training my legs a lot more during the break I had to take from running. Ive done hours of research on the topic and I think my leg muscles just weren't ready to take the beating I was giving them.

    Id say for now you should try and do cardio on the elliptical. I have found this to be the closest form of exercise you can get to jogging without being able to run. I would also try and do some strength training in your legs and some ankle exercises as well during this period. There are lots of different things online you could try. Hope this helps and good luck!