Looking for new friends for support!

Hello everyone. I am fairly new to myfitnesspal however I am not new to dieting and weight management. I am looking for new friends for positive support during my journey and theirs. Friend me if you would like I am interative on here. Thanks for reading!


  • trinitymel1982
    trinitymel1982 Posts: 38 Member
    you can add me I you like :)
  • Hawksbillus
    Hawksbillus Posts: 128 Member
    Hey, Whiskey! Welcome aboard. I'm more of a rum guy, myself. But I've had to put drinking aside for a while. Too many calories in a Cap'n N Coke.

    Just stick with it. I've only been on MFP a week, but it really makes it easy to change bad habits. I'll send you a friend request.

  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    Feel free to add me! The more the merrier, and the support makes ALL the difference in the world.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Sent friend reques!t anybody else feel free to add me too:)
  • jay586
    jay586 Posts: 133
    feel free to add me
  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    I agree that the support here is a huge help. Feel free to add me, too!
  • Anyone please feel free to add me I need all the support I can get and I love to help out with supporting you also.
  • Adding you now and anyone else is more than welcome to add me too =)
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    Always looking to give and get more support. please, add.
  • Welcome!! Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)