Clean Eating is my new lifestyle

I have struggled for the last 3 years to tip the scale. Usually getting frustrated by diets and calorie counting and not getting any result. When I divorced from my husband i set out to lose all the weight I had gained whilst being married. I joined the gym and started eating healthier (well i thought it was healthier. I managed to lose 24 pounds within about 6 months and then i stalled. I was hopelessly frustrated so I decided I needed some extra motivation and joined LA weight Loss. What a joke. In 6 months I managed to lose a whopping 8 pounds. It was crazy the little girl who was there to motivate and help me, suggested that using almonds as a protein substitute may be the reason my weight loss had stalled. I was in shock at her lack of nutrition knowledge so I quite after spending over 2000.00 dollars. Over the nect year and a half I tried everything and it wasn't until I bought a book by Tosca Reno that things really clicked for me.

Using a Bodybuilders mentality to eating....... I admit I read the book a couple times and got on the bandwagon a couple times only to go up and down on the scale. Last month I was diagnosed with Gall Stones, after several severe gall bladder attacks. I read everything I could about it and discovered alot of foods are just not suitable for someone with this issue. Again, I picked up the book and started applying it's principles. Although I had joined MFP a while back to track calories on my blackberry I haven't really been on the online forums. Instaed I started a blog to help keep me accountable and perhaps help others just like me. I have been adding my daily meal plans, gathering and sharing information about products I just haven't been able to find locally, researching and sharing tips from tohers who follow a clean diet.

Counting calories and eating smaller portions of unhealthy food just doesn't help. It's not about dieting it's about changing your lifestyle to a more healthy one. Since adopting this lifestlyle I have lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks. I feel amazing, and happy again. I haven't gone back to the gym yet but that is certainly my next step. I admit I still slip every once in awhile i am a self-diagnosed sugaraholic. But I know sugar for me is an all or nothing so I try to avoid it like the plague.

If you are at all curious about this un-diet you can check out my personal blog, if you need some extra motivation or just someone to share ideas with be sure to add me as your friend.