
I am not sure under which topic to put this. but i need some encouragement/help. I have been trying to loose weight since Nov. (my youngest child is 10 months and in Nov. my life settled down a but and i was ready to take on the weight loss challenge). However i have been hovering at 178 or 180. I started doing The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga last week (4 times a week) and haven't lost anything but gained .4 pounds. What am i doing wrong?! I am frustrated and counting every calorie! Help please!


  • rochellerya
    rochellerya Posts: 2 Member
    i'm not familiar with the weight loss yoga challenge but ensuring you get some cardio in should help! :smile:
  • Hang in there! You could just be retaining water. Try not to focus so much on your weight as time goes by but how you look, feel, and how your clothes fit. You might also have to increase your calories/eat back your exercise calories for a couple days to get back on track.
  • Try Jilliam Michael's 30 Day Shred, its a 20 minute work out and it works great for me at home since i have 2 young boys (4 yr old and 1 yr old)
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Without being able to see your diary or knowing what your daily intake is it's hard to offer advice.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    Try doing more cardio exercises. Yoga is awesome for building lean muscle that burn calories but you need to get your heart rate up! Jogging, elliptical, step aerobics or Zumba is great too! Good luck!
  • minime2b
    minime2b Posts: 168
    I did the very same thing when I first started. I was just about ready to give in when I found a support site and started being very aggressive at counting calories. I added cardio, a lot of water and I did not eat back any on my exercise calories. I think the move that most helped me though was that for about 4 weeks I virtually eliminated STARCH calories/carbs. I used lo carb bread only 2 or 3 slices a day and got the rest of my carbs from green veggies and fruits. After these modifications the weight started coming off pretty fast. I still had one cheat day a week but didn't go crazy with it.:smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Could be a lot of things, from water retention to diet, amount of calories, or a combination of things.
  • mmarcy11
    mmarcy11 Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah, we need some more info. My problem was that I was undereating. Are you netting at least 1200 calories per day?
  • I used to be on WW and then i got pregnant with my second boy... i tried the new WW plan but i didnt lose anything (I eat a lot of slads, fruits, and veggies so i found myself not using all my points with teh new 2012 version). I found this site through a friend and then just started tracking my calories.

    The yoga is relaxing and I do try to walk our dog 1-2x a week in addition to the yoga. I have two little guys under 3yrs and i work full tiem so i am trying to find a good balance.

    I do eat all my calories ..and i try to count everything... i am used to that from WW. I dont knwo what it is but i cant seem to get below 178 pounds. I feel liek i am working hard and i feel good.. but i am only 5'3" and my goal weight is 150... and no movement on the weight part is starting to bum me out...

    any advice is helpful... support is huge during this process (I know from before when i lost 30 pounds!).

    Thank you.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How many calories are you set at?
  • 1200
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You are most likely not losing because that is not enough calories. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) - the amount of calories just to keep you functioning if you laid in bed and did nothing is 1583. You need more than that for all of your normal daily activity.
  • really? I only have it set to lose 1 1/2 pounds a week. how do i fugre out how many calories to eat then?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Calculate your TDEE

    Then eat 20% less than that.