Anyone else feel this way?

I want to lose at least 60 lbs. However, I want to lose it all overnight!! Anyone else feel this way? My husband says, "You didn't gain it overnight, so you aren't going to lose it overnight." I just feel frustrated with myself because I will do well for a few days and then I will totally binge and overeat for a few days. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I know I don't like feeling the way I do or looking the way I do. I have two beautiful children who need a healthy mom. Any tips, support or motivation are greatly appreciated!!


  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    have you thought about therapy, it could be a mental thing. (depresion or something that happened when you were little)

    I didn't have the best childhood and a lot of my food issues come from that. Hope that sheds maybe a little light
  • ashtonalayna
    I would love to lose this weight overnight! It gets so frustrating when you do everything right with little results. How I wish there was a 'magic pill'. Keep on working at your goal...You can do this!!!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I do! I need to lose a little over 60 pounds myself. I want it gone now! I was down in weight and close to goal so many times, but I always sabotage myself. And dieting with your S.O. sucks too. He loses so much faster than I do! It's not fair!

    I have a really poor relationship with food. I LOVE food. Unfortunately, its an unrequited love, and I get nothing but extra pounds out of it. I'm trying to start looking to food as only fuel. Once I can put it there, it can't soothe my feelings, it can fill an emptiness, and it's no good for boredom. Not an easy road to take! One day at a time!
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    It is slow for most of us, but it is so, so worth it.

    I wonder if you're being a little too strict with yourself. Some can deal with strict deprivation, but most can't. I work treats into my daily allowance, have the odd cheat day and exercise a bit harder for some wine at the weekend. It's very bearable and while I'm not losing fast, it is working. PLUS, very importantly, I'm not getting any bigger. If you give up now, it's all too easy to put weight on and then you'll have more to lose next time.

    And come here for support. People will help you find the right way for you to succeed.

    Best of luck.
  • treatgirl
    treatgirl Posts: 36 Member
    Feel exactly the same. I started at the beginning of the year doing so well, then things happen out of routine and all of a sudden a few pounds have gone back on and it's like what's the point!?

  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I think 90% of us feel this way!

    Your hubby is right though - there IS no magic pill, it WILL take time.

    Grab yourself a bunch of good friends, and don't make it about the weight. Make it about good choices. I have usually quit within a week or two.... I start " taking days off " and days off become weeks off and weeks off become never going back.

    I think the difference this time, for me, is the support. My " real life " friends are really freaking tired of hearing about how hard I'm working on getting healthy. My MFP friends are willing to support me each step of the way. I know that if I have a really great time at the gym, they are going to notice, and comment. If I eat crap, someone is going to call me out on it.