
Hi everyone! I've done a bit of research but can't find a good answer regarding how much sugar I should be eating daily. I don't eat anything that I would really consider 'sugery' other than fruit, and I do eat a lot of fruit. I am always way over on my sugar according to MFP. Any ideas about recommended sugar intake?


  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    Hi everyone! I've done a bit of research but can't find a good answer regarding how much sugar I should be eating daily. I don't eat anything that I would really consider 'sugery' other than fruit, and I do eat a lot of fruit. I am always way over on my sugar according to MFP. Any ideas about recommended sugar intake?
  • jeanettevallance
    I would stay away from actual sugar if you can. Some fruits like grapes, nectarines, & oranges are quite high in sugar and can spike in your system.
    Better to stick to apples, pears, pineapple and berries.
    Hope that helps:smile: