looking for buddies for the last big push

Hello MFP World!!!,
So this morning after weigh in- I sat down and did the math of things. As of this morning I have lost 38lbs ( yayness!!!) since starting MFP - totaling in a grand total of 67lbs lost in the last two years ( grad school puts on your butt). Although that may seem like plenty, I still have another 30lbs I would like to lose ( maybe even 35) and frankly I don't want to keep at alone. Anyone out there want to be buddies ? Anyone with a similar story?

Have a great day! Happy losing! :)


  • Angel_Eyes1975
    Angel_Eyes1975 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi there I am new to this site and congrats on your loss that is wonderful and I look forward to reading your post and chatting :)