the scale isn't moving!!

I have been working out regularly sine the beginning of the year and I'm stilll 204 lbs. I have seen some improvement in my arms and legs (ie smoother thighs!) and my pants are a smidge looser. I've been watching what i eat...not always the best stuff, but the portions are smaller and I'm controlling my sweet tooth better. I'm doing the C25K and am on week3 day2 tomorrow (I run M W F) and try to do the 30DS on the non-run days (it doesn't always happen). In the past, my main exercise was running 5 days a week and I could loose weight easily. the thing is that now my knees are sore at the beginning of each run and I'm concerned how they'll feel if I run more days each week. I'm soooo tired of being overweight!! can some one give any advice?

also, I have a 6 month old at home and i have to do my exercises around his schedule. thanks in advance!


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Well, I can't see your food diary to comment but, a few questions for you to answer just to yourself:

    1. Are you being consistent? Are you logging your food everyday?
    2. Are you being accurate? Are you weighing/measuring your food?
    3. Are you logging ALL foods and drinks?
    4. Are staying within your calorie goal at least 90% of the time?

    If the answer to any of these questions is "no," then you need to take a few weeks and be more accurate and accountable for your foods. THEN, see what the scale says.

    If you answered "yes" to all of the questions, then maybe you should open up you food diary so others can see it to offer advice. It's possible that you have too large of a calorie deficit, or too small of one. Without knowing things like your height, weight, and calorie goal, it's hard to know what advice to give.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    ^^ Agree with Carrie (as usual) :)

    You're 200 lbs and you workout. That points directly to diet as the culprit in your weight loss woes. You're (likely) eating too many calories to lose weight.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Great response from Carrie!

    With respect to your knee soreness, is it coming from your running do you think? I cannot stress enough the importance of being properly fit for running shoes. Yes I'm talking about the size but moreso the type of support the shoe is providing you. You are a beginner runner and likely have an inefficient stride and form. With time and some self correction these things will improve but not if you're injured. Find a specialty running store where the can analyze your gait.