Back of ankles bleeding

I have a tendency to wear the same shoes for years before buying/wearing another. Everytime I wear a new pair, the back of my heels/ankles end up blistering and bleeding. Last night I went walk/jogging and this happened again. I had bought new shoes (Nike). Please don't tell me to get fitted, because I just can't afford it! I tighten the shoes, and I can't feel my feet moving in them. I am wondering if it is just how big my ankles are??

How can avoid this?


  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    get fitted. I'm not sure why you can't afford it? it's free at both the running stores in our town (Dallas). Maybe you can call the places close to you and find out? Just say "hey, what's the charge for being fitted for running shoes?"

    Your shoes are probably too small. Shoes for running are usually considerably looser when NOT running, and much looser than your casual or dress shoes, or even regular gym shoes. Your foot is most likely being jammed into the back of your shoe when you run or walk rigorously. I don't think adjusting the laces would make a difference. The brand of the shoe is irrelevant if it's not a good shoe for your foot or gait. I run in Adidas. I don't know many people who do, but they make a shoe that works really well for my particular foot and gait.

    What I do, personally, is get fitted occasionally at a running shoe store, and listen to their recommendations for what would be appropriate for my feet and gait, I might even try on a pair or two. People usually want to " think about it" and no one's feelings are hurt by that or offended.

    Once you know the appropriate size and shoe type, you can shop online or outlets. Or pin them on Pinterest in your "gifts for me" board so people know what to buy you when holidays roll around. (tee hee)

    Good luck!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This happens to me too. And it doesn't matter whether I get fitted or not. The bones in my ankles and heel seem to protrude more than other people, or at least that's my husband's theory. I can't wear high top shoes or hiking boots either. I always wear any new exercise shoes around the house for a week or more before I actually exercise in them. And even then for the first month or so of exercise I wear one of those large bangages that cover my entire heel when exercising. After a while they seem to mold to my foot and get comfortable.
  • ashhills
    ashhills Posts: 64 Member
    This happens to me too. And it doesn't matter whether I get fitted or not. The bones in my ankles and heel seem to protrude more than other people, or at least that's my husband's theory. I can't wear high top shoes or hiking boots either. I always wear any new exercise shoes around the house for a week or more before I actually exercise in them. And even then for the first month or so of exercise I wear one of those large bangages that cover my entire heel when exercising. After a while they seem to mold to my foot and get comfortable.

    Thanks for the tips. It happens to me whenever I wear a shoe that goes above the heel at all!