I need a friend!

I just decided my weight loss plan today. It has taken me a long time to get all the correct facts about weight loss and make a plan personally fit for me. But I need someone that is young, 20 or younger? female, and wants to lose at least 50 pounds, ready to work hard, and someone that is friendly and someone I can message or even text so we can keep each other motivated. It would be great if we had a group of people keeping in touch personally rather than reading message boards from each other. Please let me know if anyone is intrested?

I am graduating soon, and have my senior prom coming up, I really need to get into shape, and other than the fact I am currently unhealthy I just want to feel good! I want to feel healthy, inside and out. Being healthy is honestly what makes us beautiful in my opinion. I mean, just by eating healthier our skin glows! shouldn't that say something?

P.S. I'm not some old creepy man looking for young girls. Because I felt like it sounded like that. Sorry!
We don't have to live close. Just someone like me, trying to achieve weight loss goals through motivation.


  • yayagirl2
    yayagirl2 Posts: 21 Member
    Good for you for wanting to become healthy. I am not young like you, but we all have to face challenges in our lives at all ages. My advice to you is to be patient and consistent and you will succeed. We all want the quick fix and while it temporarily feel good, it is usually not long lasting. So focus on the fact that in order to see and feel a change, you must change. Change how you look at yourself, change little things first, start slowly and change gradually and all your new discoveries about food and exercise and most importantly your health will just become part of who you are...beautiful inside and out. Good luck!
  • I'm 20 and I want to lose 54-64 lbs so I have a way to go too. I want to lose a lot of it by my 21st birthday which is at the beginning of summer. Feel free to message me whenever =]

    ps you're from tumblr right?
  • kkjay
    kkjay Posts: 62
    I'm 21 and hope to lose 40/50 pounds and have been trying to motivate myself so far. You can never have too much motivation and I like motivating others as well. :) instead of prom my goal is to look good for my cruise in may. Feel free to message me!