Exercising When Your Muscles Are Sore?

I overdid it yesterday on the crab squats, and my legs are sore today. Not so sore that it's hard to get up or walk, just kinda stiff. I was going to use this as a recovery day, but I've eaten way more than normal today. (It is valentine's day after all.)

Do you think I should do any exercise today so my net calories are closer to where they should be? And what exercise should you do if you're already sore?

Thanks for the advice!


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Give your legs a break today, work on arms or even a day off!
  • I find that my sore muscles feel better when I exercise again, I just push through and do my regular workout. Good luck.
  • KemaVA
    KemaVA Posts: 81 Member
    You dont want to work those same muscles if you are sore. Recovery is where the gains take place! However, if you just want to do some type of workout I would take tylenol for muscle pain.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I am in the same situation. I have eaten almost all my calories since I was so hungry, and it is not even 4pm! It is supposed to be my rest day as well, so I was thinking of just walking on the treadmill to at least get 100 more or so to eat later.
  • Sure you can exercise, just don't do any strength training with your legs. You can definitely do cardio, and it will help release the lactic acid build-up in your muscles.

    You shouldn't exercise your specific muscles that are sore with resistance, but you can definitely do cardio.

    No excuses!

    I did 200 squats and 200 lunges yesterday and can barely walk. However, I will be doing two hours of LOW-impact cardio tonight to flush my body (elliptical or bike). Now it wouldn't be smart to do lunges or squats today, this is what you're thinking about.

    Hope this helps!
  • Personally, I try to do something light that keeps me moving if I've got a lot of muscle soreness. If I sit still like that for too long, then I get really stiff and miserable. So I'd probably go for a walk, but that's just me.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I find that I am in MUCH more pain the next day (so the 2nd day after a hard workout) if I skip my workout altogether on the day in between. If I'm really sore I will just do cardio, though, and skip the squats, etc. :)
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    don't work out those specific muscles if you're sore. it's not going to help. like others are saying, cardio won't be bad, but try and give those legs some rest. Arnold Schwarzenegger writes in his book the new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding that you should avoid working out sore muscles as it will hinder your growth.

    best of luck to you