school tells mom that childs lunch is unhealthy and send bil



  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Im a student teacher right now and im at a school that deals with poverty and many of the meals are free or reduced but breakfast is free for all and they sometimes serve pizza for breakfast which of course isnt healthy so I wanna know what they serve for lunch at that school because that lunch was pretty healthy for the most part
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Does the school have rules regarding lunch?

    My child went to a school that did. And we followed the rules. That's what rules are.

    I seriously doubt this was a public school (the one we went to was private), and the article doesn't specify the school or whether or not it had published rules.

    Until I have more facts, I will hold my judgement.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I saw this and was like WTF!!??? My daughter's school serves things like chicken nuggets, french fries, corn, and applesauce. Like that is better than what this kid got? My daughter takes lunch several days a week because the lunch will be almost 100% carb-based and she would rather have a healthier option.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    "a lunch inspector at the school told the girl she couldn’t eat her turkey sandwich, banana, potato chips and apple juice. Instead, providing the girl with a USDA-approved lunch with the following guidelines: one serving of meat, one serving of grains, and two servings of fruit or vegetables."

    Ummm...They served her:
    1 meat (mom provided Turkey)
    1 grains (mom provided bread)
    2 fruit an/or vegetables (mom provided a banana and apple juice)

    I think I would have to tell the school district exactly where they could stick their bill! Mom provided her daughter with exactly the same food components as the school.

    School lunches, in my opinion, are completely lacking when it comes to being healthy! They are loaded with pre-packaged garbage - most schools do not make their own food any more.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    OK so schools are complaining about lunches? That is not their responsibility, what they should be more focused on is putting more than 30 mins of gym time per week, I remember having gym 3 times a week as a kids for a minimum of 60 mins, now my son get 30 mins 1 time/week, at the young ages i think it is less about what goes into their mouth and more about establishing a healthy active lifestyle as well
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    What the flying f***?

    That lunch is healthier than what most kids eat for lunches these days. Crisps, yeah maybe unhealthy, but she's a 4 year old girl. She's active and growing. Besides, the rest of the contents weren't bad at all.

    Stupid health people. I understand feeding your kids chocolate bars...milkshakes...other fatty varieties of sandwiches, but a turkey sandwich and banana...AND APPLE JUICE!!! What the hell!?
  • Alej32
    Alej32 Posts: 12
    I can kinda relate to this mom because at my kids school, (state of Florida), EVERYTHING they give these kids is whole grain and has NO seasonings, not even a little bit of salt...blandest food I have ever tasted...I go up there and eat with them sometimes and the food is so gross that the kids arent even eating it...dont get me wrong, I understand that with childhood obesity school is the one place that kids are guaranteed some kind of nutrition but is it healthier for the kids to starve themselves by not eating it?? I think that is worse than eating a well balanced meal with son is 9 years old and has the bone age of a 61/2-7 year old...his hgh levels are pretty low...His pediatrician has him on a high fat high calorie diet...I am suppossed to have him eat as many "bad" things as I can to try and put some weight on him...but unless I send his lunch to school with him everyday, he is not getting the food that he needs to grow....I would show my a** at our school if someone in the lunchroom tried to tell me what my child could or couldnt need to fight this tooth and nail!!!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Okay, if the child was being fed Ho Ho's, Twinkies and Fluff Sandwiches every day as her whole lunch, I could see the school taking notice. But her lunch was perfectly acceptable...probably better than what they replaced it with! Just crazy...
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Here was the breakfast they serve at my kids school this morning:


    Here is my kids school lunch menu items for today...


    And the fruit of choice is normally some kind of canned pre-sweetened fruit cup. Maybe an apple or banana. The "garden salad" consists of ice berg lettuce with ranch dressing... My kids never eat school lunch... and I would be furious!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have a hard time blaming schools for the low quality of the meals, given the pittance that federal and state governments give them to feed children with, BUT I also think sending kids home with notes about their lunches is out of line, especially given that the kid's lunch wasn't that bad. Not what I would feed my child if I had one, but it's not like the lunch was a twinkie and a can of soda or something.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    the whole thought of inspecting kids lunches makes me laugh. Especially since the school is selling them ice cream as their after lunch dessert treat. My kids lunches go from nutritious to junk depending on many factors, mainly that my kids usually make their own. They might take left over pizza or chicken or make a sandwich or have hummus and chips. Who knows.

    And the school lunches are far from nutritious anyway. At the middle school level, they always have pizza as an option. Cheeseburgers, pizza, fried chicken nuggets and "breakfast for lunch" are regulars on the local menu.

    I'd have been in the school office within 10 minutes of getting the bill for the school lunch. And I'd be demanding an explanation for why the school was forcing my kid to eat something that I didn't want my kid to eat.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    What a great lunch. I would enjoy eatting it.
    We change what goes into our childrens lunches daily so they dont get board, but it is healthy choices, if /when my daughter has crisps in her lunch most of the time she does not eat them.
  • LilysMom28
    LilysMom28 Posts: 293 Member
    a friend of mine was just telling me how the lunch lady at her daughters school kept taking her juice box and fruit snacks away from her. And the only way my friend found out was that her daughter finally told her after weeks of this happening. The school never sent a letter or anything...they just kept her food. Crazy!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I like how they broke it down into food groups rather than what the girls school lunch actually consisted of. I am fairly certain that that is because the schools lunch consisted of crap!

    Yeah exactly...there has to be more to this story, or else the moron "inspecting" these lunches needs to get a real job.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    This coming from a place that thinks pizza is a vegetable..I would have been royally pissed aswell...

    Right! They can serve greasy Pizza and French Fries as vegetables but the home-packed lunch was unacceptable? C'mon, son! That is some BS. I wouldn't have called or written anyone anonymously... they would have known it was me.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Does the school have rules regarding lunch?

    My child went to a school that did. And we followed the rules. That's what rules are.

    I seriously doubt this was a public school (the one we went to was private), and the article doesn't specify the school or whether or not it had published rules.

    Until I have more facts, I will hold my judgement.

    You, sir, are genius.
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    I think that the lunch the mom packed was perfectly balanced. And as far as the chips go, some fat is good in a diet, especially if the child is an appropriately healthy BMI. Chips are not bad in moderation.

    Rubbish! I would be a ticked off mommy if that was my child!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    most school lunches aren't even close to being that healthy!
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Does the school have rules regarding lunch?

    My child went to a school that did. And we followed the rules. That's what rules are.

    I seriously doubt this was a public school (the one we went to was private), and the article doesn't specify the school or whether or not it had published rules.

    Until I have more facts, I will hold my judgement.

    ^^^^ this!

    My girls attend a school that has guidelines with respect to what we are permitted to send in their lunch. At the beginning of the school year we receive a letter. We are clearly not permitted to send candy of any sorts (little dora candy in a bag that the manufacturers call real fruit are an absolute NO), no chips, no chocolate and nothing with nuts. We have to send 3 snacks a day, a lunch, 1 juice and 1 bottle of water... At the beginning, I felt this was like sending my kids to a school under dictatorship.... but after 2 years of this... I think it's brilliant! My kids barely eat any crap, they eat their vegetables and they drink water... why? Becauce every kid in the class does it!
  • Cris725
    There was absolutely nothing wrong with that lunch! Frankly, it was better than the ones my daughter always wants. She likes a PB sandwich (lots of PB, no jelly), chips, some sort of treat (usually fruit snacks), and a capri-sun. She doesnt get it everyday (she eats hot lunch 3 days per week). If I were that mother, I would have gone straight to the district and they wouldnt have liked me very much.