Eating over half my calories for supper



  • spskinny
    spskinny Posts: 96 Member
    Glad I'm not alone. I leave 700-1000 for dinner and evening. That is when I am hungry, and most likely to go off program so, I adjust for that. I always eat breakfast and lunch but I keep them small and low in cals.
  • Fubar_Bill
    Fubar_Bill Posts: 120 Member
    I get panicky if I don't have at least 1000 calories available for supper + evening snack.

    Haha It's not only me then!! Good!

    I thought your morning-mid day meals were supposed to be the largest, and the smallest meal should be your evening meal because your metabolism slows overnight. Is that incorrect?

    Your metabolism doesn't slow down at night. As a matter of fact your body can't tell the difference between 2 am and 2 pm.

    I don't know about your body, but my body is asleep at 2am and doesn't use anywhere near the calories as it does when I am up and working at 2pm.

    Metabolism vs consciousness?
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    My biggest problem is actually breakfast. I'm actually afraid of being hungry over the course of the day, so I eat way too much to start with and depend on my exercise too much to burn calories. I think that this is not something I will be able to maintain and need a healthier plan for the day. Smaller meals throughout.

    I completely agree, and have tried a number of different things to address this and finally I have settled on porrage, it is a slow release which is good, I usually work out right after that and then have lunch afterwards and it sets me up for the day.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I plan out my meals for the week. Each day I input my meals so I know how much I can have for snacks. I make sure the snacks are healthy. I also like to allow my self a small treat so I dont feel so deprived.
    I like vodka with diet cranberry juice with a splash of lime.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Yes dear, you're misinformed. I eat half my daily calories after 6 pm most of the time. I've tried spacing them out evenly throughout the day in either 6 small meals or 3 big ones & I ended up eating at times I wasn't hungry then starving at bedtime. No way am I going to bed hungry, then waking up RAVENOUS. Why put yourself through that misery? I've found eating more later in the evening is quite natural for me & I am still able to meet my calorie targets.

    And if you want to drink alcohol, fit it into your calorie target. Or don't...I have a spike day every weekend & sometimes I drink heavily on that day. Assuming you behave yourself the rest of the time, it won't hurt your weight loss.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I have no good ideas. I love to eat most of my calories at dinner. I don't have time to make a yummy breakfast in the mornings and I don't like lunchy foods, so....

    But thanks for asking.
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    At first I tried to really balance my cals over the entire day but I found that I was really hungry at dinner but I can go with a lighter lunch. Dinner is the only meal I eat at home during the week so I really like to slow down and cook and enjoy it. What I've been doing is pre-planning and packing my breakfast, lunch, and am and pm snacks so I know exactly how much I have left for dinner. I like to save 600-700 calories but that doesn't always happen. If I am in for a particularly rich dinner, I'll break one snack into two (2 300 into 2 150) and then tack on the extra at dinner.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I get panicky if I don't have at least 1000 calories available for supper + evening snack.

    Haha It's not only me then!! Good!

    I thought your morning-mid day meals were supposed to be the largest, and the smallest meal should be your evening meal because your metabolism slows overnight. Is that incorrect?

    Your metabolism doesn't slow down at night. As a matter of fact your body can't tell the difference between 2 am and 2 pm.

    I don't know about your body, but my body is asleep at 2am and doesn't use anywhere near the calories as it does when I am up and working at 2pm.

    Metabolism vs consciousness?

    That is activity calories. Metabolism calories are your BMR which makes up about 75-80% of the calories you burn in a day. That doesn't stop at night.
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    My calories tend to be spread out fairly evenly throughout the whole day, about 300-400 calories a meal, 5-6 meals.
    For drinks, we usually drink vodka and OJ, or vodka and cranberry...or when we splurge we drink 2 year scotch, Dewar's 12 year is one of our favorites.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I too save most of my calories for supper and snack! Makes me much happier. Usually under 300 cal for breakfast and around 300 for lunch.
  • happyhiram
    I get panicky if I don't have at least 1000 calories available for supper + evening snack.

    Haha It's not only me then!! Good!

    I thought your morning-mid day meals were supposed to be the largest, and the smallest meal should be your evening meal because your metabolism slows overnight. Is that incorrect?

    Your metabolism doesn't slow down at night. As a matter of fact your body can't tell the difference between 2 am and 2 pm.

    I don't know about your body, but my body is asleep at 2am and doesn't use anywhere near the calories as it does when I am up and working at 2pm.

    Metabolism vs consciousness?

    That is activity calories. Metabolism calories are your BMR which makes up about 75-80% of the calories you burn in a day. That doesn't stop at night.

    This exactly.
  • alyssaanagram
    I plan out all my meals at least the day before. There are a lot of mixed feelings about how much to eat at dinner. Honestly I try to eat more for breakfast and lunch and a lighter dinner. I found it helped me most with my weight loss since I work out in the morning especially.

    If your meal plan is working for you, definitely stick to it. But if you find you hit a snag, try switching it up to see if it works better for you!
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    As long as you aren't feeling tired, weak, or faint during the day, you are doing fine. Don't worry about it.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I get panicky if I don't have at least 1000 calories available for supper + evening snack.

    Haha It's not only me then!! Good!

    I thought your morning-mid day meals were supposed to be the largest, and the smallest meal should be your evening meal because your metabolism slows overnight. Is that incorrect?

    Your metabolism doesn't slow down at night. As a matter of fact your body can't tell the difference between 2 am and 2 pm.

    I don't know about your body, but my body is asleep at 2am and doesn't use anywhere near the calories as it does when I am up and working at 2pm.

    Metabolism vs consciousness?

    That is activity calories. Metabolism calories are your BMR which makes up about 75-80% of the calories you burn in a day. That doesn't stop at night.

    If it did, you'd have bigger problems on your hands...
  • 0AmyMarie0
    Thank you everyone!!!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    I like to put my recipes into the site, and figure out how many calories are in each average meal I eat. Most of my dinner meals end up pretty close to each other, calorie wise, and I know what I have in my fridge at any given moment. I always eat the same cereal for breakfast (Kashi) so I plan lunch and dinner based on what I have as much as how many calories are in each. Sometimes I get surprised with plans and end up eating out, and I just make sure to get in an extra workout, or skip my "off" day for working out that week. Your body doesn't know when midnight is, and sometimes it's easier to look at weekly calories than daily. Sometimes I'm a bit over on a given day, but my week is just fine. I don't stress about it unless I were to happen to have 2-3 days where I was seriously over my calories.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm a night binge eater, so I too will either eat all equally spaced calories meals (500 each meal, etc) or I'll save up calories for the evening. I find that I feel more satisfied if I can eat dinner, wait an hour, work out, have a recovery protein snack, shower and get to bed immediately. Nothing wrong with eating... you're doing good!
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    I try to eat more during the day, more often, but inevitably dinner is generally my biggest meal even though I wish it wasn't... lol
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I never know what I'm going to eat for dinner or even WHEN I'll get to I too save a bulk of my calories for dinner. It's working fine for me....and I like to drink every once in a while so wine is always at my house, cocktails are very rare but I might have a light beer or two a week and maybe a glass of wine a week. Do what works best for you....
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I don't know how you guys have one meal a day. I feel like crap if I don't have my 3 squares.

    OP: I generally leave about 40-50% of my calories for dinner, but over the past few weeks, I have found that it is difficult if not impossible to eat over 600 calories in a single meal. If I am still hungry, I have an after dinner snack: 100-200 calories. Sometimes it isn't needed. Sometimes it is, but I consume most calories after 2 pm.