How many can't remember being thin?



  • rhae_18
    I can totally remember being thin. It was sadly only ten years ago, when I was going through puberty and was at the most uncomfortable stage of my life. I felt I was fat and hid myself under big baggy jeans and t-shirts that were too big. If there was a way I could go back knowing what I know now, I would totally smack myself upside the head!!! I feel that if I had a better self esteem back then, I might have looked after myself more and I wouldn't be battling my weight now. So when I picture what I'll look like when I lose all the weight I want to lose, I know what I can sort of look forward to. I also have to keep in mind though that I'm not going to look exactly as I did. Obviously I will have some hanging skin and all that gross crap I'm not really looking forward to dealing with, but hey...if I can manage to get back to a healthy weight and feel great then that's all that matters!!! In thirty years I'm going to be all wrinkley and weird looking anyways hahahahahaha.
  • kkjay
    kkjay Posts: 62
    I wish I could remember being thin. I started gaining weight at about 10/11, so I don't really remember being thin ever. I try to imagine it, but it's hard to picture since I've always been on the larger side. Some day I hope I can see myself, healthy and thin and finally know what it looks like!