Turbo Kick Box AKA Turbo Jam

Does anyone think the calories burned for Turbo seem a little inflated? I always go high intensity but I still think its seems high. For instance tonight, I logged 40 minutes and the calories burned lists as 516 calories. I actually do 50 minutes however I log it lower b/c I think the #'s are too high.

Anyone have input or real data from a body bug or heart monitor doohicky?

Happy :heart: day everyone! :)


  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I use a HRM and I never burn what they suggest. Maybe it depends on weight too, but I do think it's inflated.
  • reeniesing
    reeniesing Posts: 49 Member
    I agree. Another example is moving. I helped a friend move boxes to a 3rd floor apartment. When I put down 1 hour, it said I burned almost 900 calories. I thought that was just too high, so I lowered it to 30 minutes.