Help :((((



  • tkeister23

    There have been a lot of good postings but a few things are missing.

    Since you stated you live with you family - you can enroll them as part of your support system. Do any of them need to lose weight? Even if they do not - ask for their support. Ask them to limit what they bring into the house.

    I am new to MFP - but I do like a number of the tools - You can change your goals - and I suggest you do this. Cut your carbs to 30% of you total intake. If you are hungry - Eat more green leafy things. A HUGE plate full of organic greens is less than 100 calories (and packed with nutrients). High protein low carb diets are usually more effective. The carbs you eat should come mostly from veggies and fruits and only a little grain.

    If you are craving Sweets try one of the following:

    You may need more fruit in your diet. Have some good fruits. Try NEW fruits. In the new global economy there are many fruits available that were impossible to find before. Have you ever had FRESH (not canned) Lychee? They are in season now (at Chinese grocery stores) - and are wonderful. Go to foreign grocery stores and ask for help and suggestions - there is literally a WORLD of food you may not have tried before.

    If you are hungry for something bad set a timer for 5 minutes and put it next to a measured portion of your treat - see if you still want it after the 5 minutes (most food cravings will fade in 3-5 minutes).

    Drink a big glass of water - then wait 5 minutes

    Check your water levels (if it is not water it does not count for your daily water totals -- coffee/tea does not count for water). Most people are chronically dehydrated and never know it. You may not be hungry - you might be thirsty.

    Do not eat "Low fat" foods - they are usually full of chemicals and very high in sugar.

    Give up wheat. What passes for wheat in America is not allowed in most of the rest of the world. 95% of the wheat in America has been modified (by Monsanto) to allow it to survive carpet bombing with Round-Up (nasty herbicide). Giving up wheat will help with your cravings (it may take a month to cleanse your system - be patient).

    Nutritional cleansing might be helpful. Please send me a friend request if anyone would like to find out about it.

    Last (and best! =) - Keep some "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" treats that you could eat and not feel bad about having had. Organic dark chocolate with natural sugar is a good idea. Just have a very small portion and then wait 5 minutes - you will be surprised at how little will satisfy.

    As you probably noticed by now - getting support is a GOOD IDEA. What is even better is GIVING SUPPORT (it always helps keep me honest on my food program).

    Please friend me if you would to get or give support. :smile:
  • juliekat1955
    We all struggle, I've been up and down my whole life and yes it's frustrating. I tried Nutella for the first time about a month ago and found that it is like fudge in a jar---so I don't buy it ever again because I turn to that jar everytime I need a little sweet lift. Sheesh!:grumble: