How do I say it politely?



  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    i'm half afraid to defend the people, judging from others' comments (lol) but i'm going to be brave and just share my experience. :tongue: in my experience, the people who are offering me stuff are used to seeing me eat stuff like that. like yesterday, i went to my grandparents' house and they offered me chinese food and i said no thanks. then they offered me candy. :laugh: the people who knew me pre-calorie counting, know that i would have ate that stuff in a heartbeat! so i know that in my case, they were offering stuff that i would normally have ate. they didn't have any idea how much it made me want to scream inside and lick up every speckle of food!:explode: so maybe give them the benefit of the doubt when they offer and just say no thanks. also, if you want to provide an brief explanation, i just say i'm watching my cals, not dieting. then they just are jerks if they make up their minds for you that you look fine! :happy: once i told my grandparents that i was watching my cals, they quit offering food and offered some of the "good ole ways" to lose weight. happy monday everyone! (if there is such a thing!) :yawn:

    I understand what you are saying.

    But to defend myself...or maybe my brother would, he would always be the one saying, "oh no, she eats really really healthy, she doesn't eat any of that stuff" and then they would get the hint and be like, okay, so I won't offer you those foods anymore.

    It's like, when I tried to say no politely, why did you still force it upon me??

    But that is life though. We all have different experiences in life.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I have food "issues", as well as being careful about what I eat, I have several allergies and I've tried all kinds of explanations for everything. Here's what works the best.

    "No. Thankyou." end of story. No one needs an explanation.

    I find it interesting that food is the last domain of pushers. Can you imagine someone offering you a cigarette, you saying no, thankyou and them telling you "C'mon. . . you don't have emphysema yet. . .have a cigarette." Or a drink. Or a drug.
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    lol:laugh: this is exactly what my fiance does. I love:heart: him to death, I have learned just recently that i have to say no. He will ask me at least 5 times if i am hungry even after i tell him no. He tries to push food on me,:noway: i think because he knows that i will get the instant gratification. But afterwards it just depresses me.:frown: I know he means well but its time to take my stand or I will never lose weight. So I have found a few of my own tricks when this happens. I try to always have something healthy on hand to counter his cravings or i will revamp :devil: what he wants into a healthier version for me. Gosh I am jealous that I can no longer eat like him,:ohwell: but i wont be after i see what my determination will do for my body!!!!:glasses:
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    Why be polite? they are trying to poison you, to undermine your hard work only for their own gratification. tell them, no thanks, you don't eat crap. take a serving, march it right over to the trash and toss it where it belongs. its garbage. why worry about their feelings? they aren't considering yours are they?