Scary girl muscles - Olympic edition!



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Thanks to the OP for this thread...while I don't lift like these women do and don't have the desire or discipline to get to where they are...I love that they are just more examples of strong beautiful women.

    And to the posters saying they don't find it attractive and wouldn't want to get "bulky" like that...that's great :) don't worry, you're not going to look like that unless you purposely WORK FOR IT. These are not women who go lift light weights at the gym once or twice a week. These are professionals and this is clearly a thread CELEBRATING these women. You don't have to like how they look, you also don't have to choose to look like them. See how nicely that works? So why post the negativity here...please please please go find somewhere else to post your criticism.

    /end rant

    I agree. And to add on to this, just because someone doesn't have the fitness goals of these professional athletes doesn't mean they "like looking weak" or whatever. I don't have the desire to be as ripped as this women are (not that I could achieve that anyway), but I admire their strength. Does that mean I want to look weak? Uh, no, you can be a fit and toned regular person without being pro-athlete muscular. It's not just strong and weak. There is a middle ground there.
  • LittleMissDoll
    Thanks to the OP for this thread...while I don't lift like these women do and don't have the desire or discipline to get to where they are...I love that they are just more examples of strong beautiful women.

    And to the posters saying they don't find it attractive and wouldn't want to get "bulky" like that...that's great :) don't worry, you're not going to look like that unless you purposely WORK FOR IT. These are not women who go lift light weights at the gym once or twice a week. These are professionals and this is clearly a thread CELEBRATING these women. You don't have to like how they look, you also don't have to choose to look like them. See how nicely that works? So why post the negativity here...please please please go find somewhere else to post your criticism.

    /end rant

    I agree. And to add on to this, just because someone doesn't have the fitness goals of these professional athletes doesn't mean they "like looking weak" or whatever. I don't have the desire to be as ripped as this women are (not that I could achieve that anyway), but I admire their strength. Does that mean I want to look weak? Uh, no, you can be a fit and toned regular person without being pro-athlete muscular. It's not just strong and weak. There is a middle ground there.

    Well said! What is witch all the bashing in these threads? it is getting ridiculous. Anyone that has a different goal or opinion from someone else gets tore down so fast. I have no desire to look like these women. It's just not for me. Doesnt mean I want to be "weak" .. that is just ridiculous.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    sexy as hell...




    see the difference?

    I would do (almost) anything to achieve the look in the first 3....
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I dont mind my muscles :) That girl with the tats is super hot!!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    IMO this lady is too bulky (OMG, I hope she's not someone who might read that!). This is the perfect example of looking good in clothes, but not looking good without them (in the tight gym clothings). I am fully aware that "good" is an opinion, but I often get slammed by MFP members when I say I don't want to lift heavy because I don't want to get bulky. They tell me women can't get bulky because I guess they wrongly assume I'm thinking I'd look like Arnold if I lifted heavy. I'm afraid I'll look like this bulky women above. Kudos to her for putting in the work, but that's not a look I'd ever want for me.

    First, I disagree that she is "too bulky" but we are all entitled to our own opinion. Second, she probably eats a LOT. You won't ever look like that unless you are eating above maintenance AND lifting heavy.

    I understand that. But it's been suggested to me more than once that I eat more and lift heavy now that I've met weight loss goal. And that it will not make me bulky because women can't get bulky. Then I get the usual sarcasm and outright insults about skinny fat and not looking good naked, yadda, yadda, yadda when I disagree. Well, obviously women can get bulky and it doesn't look good to me.

    I think you see "healthy" and think "bulky"
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Only semi-on topic here, but how excited are we about women's Olympic boxing this summer?!


    Oh yeah!!
  • abigailm83
    Check out this girl..
    Jodie Marsh (Used to be a model...not keen on her! a body builder!)


    blah dunno how to add the link :D

    I would love to have that body..... Oh and I LOVE that tats :)

    She is way hot, totally serious. Her tats are hot, and she doesn't even look like she uses steroids just a lot of hard work, her legs could be more defined though.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    oh em gee you guys! her thighs touch. i wonder how she can go out in PUBLIC.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member

    IMO this lady is too bulky (OMG, I hope she's not someone who might read that!). This is the perfect example of looking good in clothes, but not looking good without them (in the tight gym clothings). I am fully aware that "good" is an opinion, but I often get slammed by MFP members when I say I don't want to lift heavy because I don't want to get bulky. They tell me women can't get bulky because I guess they wrongly assume I'm thinking I'd look like Arnold if I lifted heavy. I'm afraid I'll look like this bulky women above. Kudos to her for putting in the work, but that's not a look I'd ever want for me.

    First, I disagree that she is "too bulky" but we are all entitled to our own opinion. Second, she probably eats a LOT. You won't ever look like that unless you are eating above maintenance AND lifting heavy.

    I understand that. But it's been suggested to me more than once that I eat more and lift heavy now that I've met weight loss goal. And that it will not make me bulky because women can't get bulky. Then I get the usual sarcasm and outright insults about skinny fat and not looking good naked, yadda, yadda, yadda when I disagree. Well, obviously women can get bulky and it doesn't look good to me.

    You do realize that the pictures of her lifting is at a very low bodyfat percentage and basically at the peak of her game. She would not look like that day to day expect close to competition. For that matter, even if you at normally, not at a deficit, you would likely never come close to looking like her because even lifting heavy you would never train like she does. She likely trains at an intensity level that would put most of the people here, including many of the trainers, under the table. You say this is an example looking good in clothes and not out of them. I think it is more likely the clothed picture is of her in non-competition mode, and even if you put her in lifting clothes she would still look that way.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Avoiding weights because you don't want to look like a bulky bodybuilder is like avoiding books because you don't want to end up like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.

    Most of us don't have the genetics or dedication to get that muscular, no matter how much we lift, nor the brainpower to become a super-genius, no matter how well-read we are.
  • Cakepiebeer
    <~ Loves girls with muscles
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Avoiding weights because you don't want to look like a bulky bodybuilder is like avoiding books because you don't want to end up like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.

    Most of us don't have the genetics or dedication to get that muscular, no matter how much we lift, nor the brainpower to become a super-genius, no matter how well-read we are.

    VERY well put.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    how about Hope SoloHopesolo2.jpg

    Or Dara Torres 6a00d8341c6c5753ef01156f6f050f970c-320wi.jpg

    Or Heather Mitts: Heather-Mitts-2-1.jpg
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    sexy as hell...

    I find all these fit girls hot, but is it bad that i also find her very sexy? MMMM that definition, that hard work, I wonder how much she squats and dead-lifts. (no homo)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    be careful ladies. if you get bulky, it's just not sexy.


    see what i mean??? /sarcasm

    I would love to look like her!

    I lift heavy(what I consider heavy at least!) and eat at a small deficit, and I am no where near bulky.

    I do however have nice biceps when I flex and a pretty flat stomach to boot!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Female oly lifters are friggin amazing.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Melanie Roach



    IMO this lady is too bulky (OMG, I hope she's not someone who might read that!). This is the perfect example of looking good in clothes, but not looking good without them (in the tight gym clothings). I am fully aware that "good" is an opinion, but I often get slammed by MFP members when I say I don't want to lift heavy because I don't want to get bulky. They tell me women can't get bulky because I guess they wrongly assume I'm thinking I'd look like Arnold if I lifted heavy. I'm afraid I'll look like this bulky women above. Kudos to her for putting in the work, but that's not a look I'd ever want for me.

    I doubt you're going to become an olympic level athlete, so no, you shouldn't worry about it.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    how about Hope SoloHopesolo2.jpg

    Or Dara Torres 6a00d8341c6c5753ef01156f6f050f970c-320wi.jpg

    Or Heather Mitts: Heather-Mitts-2-1.jpg

    Love the Female soccer players!!