I'm getting annoyed..



  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    well what i really want to do is divise my own workout plan that is tailored to me, also help on my diet.

    I know your BMR has something to do with how many calories you should be eating but i don't quite get it so if someone could help with that then that would be great.

    And also this is the workout i planned which i could do with some pointers on:

    10 push ups
    60 seconds of jump rope
    20 chair dips
    60 seconds of butt kicks
    20 sit ups
    60 seconds of high kneed running on the spot
    15 pushups
    60 seconds of jumping jacks
    20 crunches
    60 seconds of lunges and bicep curls

    and repeats as many times as i can before I die (odds are only twice lol) does this sound like it will do anything? I hope so lol

    I just feel a little abandoned at the moment and i really wanna get it all fully organised so its as effective as possible :(

    The work out looks good but I would reduce your jump roping to 30 seconds so you aren't as fatigued. Then you can increase the repetition. Also you have Upper body back to back. Consider starting at the top and working down or doing a push/pull. So push ups the pull ups or bent over row. Then go to core abs then a lower back. Then do arms/shoulders front and back. Then move to legs. This gives each part adequate "rest" while you cardio and change body parts. Your heart rate will stay up and you will be able to do more.

    Thanks thats quite handy, i guess you're referring to the push ups and then chair dips? do you have any suggestions on what i could swap them for?
  • Danpellizzari
    well what i really want to do is divise my own workout plan that is tailored to me, also help on my diet.

    I know your BMR has something to do with how many calories you should be eating but i don't quite get it so if someone could help with that then that would be great.

    And also this is the workout i planned which i could do with some pointers on:

    10 push ups
    60 seconds of jump rope
    20 chair dips
    60 seconds of butt kicks
    20 sit ups
    60 seconds of high kneed running on the spot
    15 pushups
    60 seconds of jumping jacks
    20 crunches
    60 seconds of lunges and bicep curls

    and repeats as many times as i can before I die (odds are only twice lol) does this sound like it will do anything? I hope so lol

    I just feel a little abandoned at the moment and i really wanna get it all fully organised so its as effective as possible :(

    The work out looks good but I would reduce your jump roping to 30 seconds so you aren't as fatigued. Then you can increase the repetition. Also you have Upper body back to back. Consider starting at the top and working down or doing a push/pull. So push ups the pull ups or bent over row. Then go to core abs then a lower back. Then do arms/shoulders front and back. Then move to legs. This gives each part adequate "rest" while you cardio and change body parts. Your heart rate will stay up and you will be able to do more.

    One more thing. Try going for a 10 or 15 minute jog to get your heart rate going before you start. This will help you get closer to the "fat burning zone". And you'll be warmed up. Good luck.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    People are now posting to help you and being completely ignored... ironic.

    never mind LOL

    Okay if you look at the posting tmies it took me a whole of 4 minutes to reply, because it was a long message.

    I appreciate everyones advice (thats why i ask for it)

    i was jsut getting a little annoyed that i really wanted help with this and no one had replied to my other posts
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    well what i really want to do is divise my own workout plan that is tailored to me, also help on my diet.

    I know your BMR has something to do with how many calories you should be eating but i don't quite get it so if someone could help with that then that would be great.

    And also this is the workout i planned which i could do with some pointers on:

    10 push ups
    60 seconds of jump rope
    20 chair dips
    60 seconds of butt kicks
    20 sit ups
    60 seconds of high kneed running on the spot
    15 pushups
    60 seconds of jumping jacks
    20 crunches
    60 seconds of lunges and bicep curls

    and repeats as many times as i can before I die (odds are only twice lol) does this sound like it will do anything? I hope so lol

    I just feel a little abandoned at the moment and i really wanna get it all fully organised so its as effective as possible :(

    The work out looks good but I would reduce your jump roping to 30 seconds so you aren't as fatigued. Then you can increase the repetition. Also you have Upper body back to back. Consider starting at the top and working down or doing a push/pull. So push ups the pull ups or bent over row. Then go to core abs then a lower back. Then do arms/shoulders front and back. Then move to legs. This gives each part adequate "rest" while you cardio and change body parts. Your heart rate will stay up and you will be able to do more.

    One more thing. Try going for a 10 or 15 minute jog to get your heart rate going before you start. This will help you get closer to the "fat burning zone". And you'll be warmed up. Good luck.

    Thanks thats really good advice :)
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    well what i really want to do is divise my own workout plan that is tailored to me, also help on my diet.

    I know your BMR has something to do with how many calories you should be eating but i don't quite get it so if someone could help with that then that would be great.

    And also this is the workout i planned which i could do with some pointers on:

    10 push ups
    60 seconds of jump rope
    20 chair dips
    60 seconds of butt kicks
    20 sit ups
    60 seconds of high kneed running on the spot
    15 pushups
    60 seconds of jumping jacks
    20 crunches
    60 seconds of lunges and bicep curls

    and repeats as many times as i can before I die (odds are only twice lol) does this sound like it will do anything? I hope so lol

    I just feel a little abandoned at the moment and i really wanna get it all fully organised so its as effective as possible :(

    Although you may feel that you are not getting the support you want/need. It looks like you are doing well on your own! Almost 30 lbs in 6 months. That's great! Looks like you are half way to your goal.

    As for your workout, if this works for you, keep at it. As has been suggested there are lots of inexpensive workout DVD's and there are an equal number of good videos on Youtube. One that I enjoy is Bodyrock.tv (the older ones with Zuzana).

    If you have the resources, join a gym and work with a trainer from time to time. One of the draw backs to working out at home by yourself is that it is more difficult to push past your mental and physical limits. Being part of a class or working with a trainer can help you move to levels of fitness you may not think you can achieve. And,a trainer will help you avoid injuries from poor form.

    With regards to diet. Avoid processed foods and restaurants. Try and keep your sodium intake at or below 2500mg per day. And, drink lots of water. Beyond that just keep your intake in harmony with your activity level.

    One last thought. This is a great website and there are lots of very kind and helpful people. However, it is entirely up you to achieve your goals. If you keep your focus and commitment, you will achieve!

    Best of luck!
  • msmithevv
    msmithevv Posts: 58 Member
    I get annoyed with not getting responses either, but I will give you my 2 cents on this (so remember I said it was only worth 2 cents).

    I follow the MFP guidelines for calories. What I have found is that after awhile of the same routine you will hit the dreaded "P" word, plateau. When that happens you will need to mix up your workout. Also, I get bored with doing the same thing every day so I find myself (along with my workout buddy) changing it up. We never do the same workout 2 days in a row. Whatever exercise you are doing just make sure get your heart rate up and try to keep it up for at least 20 minutes. You may have to increase this the amount of time as time goes on and you get stronger. Good luck!!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    as far as i see it i don't think i'm doing enough.. another thing i don't quite understand is calorie deficit/net calories.. i know a certain amount of calories' deficit is meant to be equal to number of pounds lost.. can anyone help on this?
  • Danpellizzari
    as far as i see it i don't think i'm doing enough.. another thing i don't quite understand is calorie deficit/net calories.. i know a certain amount of calories' deficit is meant to be equal to number of pounds lost.. can anyone help on this?

    Conventional wisdom says 1 pound of fat is 3500 calories. Keep in mind you need to eat to lose weight. And you need to eat to gain muscle.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    so say if you have a deficit of 7000 calories you should lose 2lbs a week?