newbie to myfitnesspal

Hi everyone im new on here ive been trying to log my info daily but struggle to do this need help tell me when is the best time to log my info also do you weigh in everyweek etc im going to start from today and weign myself tonight and then start logging daily to try and lose this fat once and for all but any tips you have i will listen also when putting in an exercise thats not registered like Zumba how do you do it

Questions questions help me please :flowerforyou:


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You could click on the search icon above and enter calories burned during Zumba. I don't exercise but welcome and good luck. :drinker:
  • thanks so much will have to try work it out :)
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    WELCOME!!! This is a great place!! Lots of info and please make sure to use the search function at the top of the screen if you are looking for something specific. If you need support, feel free to add me.....that offer goes out to anyone!! The more the merrier!! Best of luck and keep pushing forward!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

  • I usually log after I eat. If I log at the end of the day all the food I've eaten throughout the day I'm bound to forget something. My scale is broken so I haven't weighed since starting. Weighing can be addictive I'd shoot for once a week, same day same time. Zumba is like a dance thing? Cardio? Find something as similar as possible on the list and use that, that's what I do. Hope that helps.
  • KCalmeyn
    KCalmeyn Posts: 36 Member
    I log my food as I eat it. Same with exercise, I weigh myself every Wednseday morning and log it at that time. I have read that some members log entire day at one time, some log their entire diary once a week. Some people weigh in every two weeks, and others only once a month. There are some that don't weigh at all, and prefer to measure. Just remember that the scale is not always a true meausure of your progress. If you begin working out there may be weeks that you do not lose any weight but are losing inches. It is hard not to get discouraged when this happens, but remember, muscle weighs more than fat therefore the number on the scale may not change.
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    Hello and Welcome! I do not weigh myself weekly because I have such a long journey ahead. I instead measure my inches on several spots on my body each week and see my success that way. I do loose some pounds, dont get me wrong. However, my biggest feel good moment is when I get the tape measure out and chart on a piece of paper how many inches I have lost in just 1 weeks time!! This does work being on here. I get inspiration every day to go exercise because everyone else is doing their' I have no excuse to not do mine. I try to give mass support to all my friends and be an active member of there cheering section because we all need the support.....Hello, that's why we are here. My friends , without them even knowing it, push me daily to get on the tread mill and move my body. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like and Good Luck ! We can do this !
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right'll get all the support you need to help you through this journey! The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, before eating. Most people suggest weighing in once a week, at the same time of day. As far as logging in your food and exercise info, I sometimes fill in right after the meal, or at the end of the day, when I know I won't be eating anything else. That part is up to you. As far as logging in exercise goes, I use exercide dvds, such as Leslie Sansone Walk Slim. If I don't see anything comparable listed, I use something such as low impact aerobics to chart my exercise for the day. Hope this was helpful, and feel free to add me as a friend...the more, the merrier! :smile:
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome and Good luck, if you have a smartphone you should download the app to your phone as I found this is helpful with adding your calories as you eat certain things. I try to add my meals as i pack my lunch the night before so, my food is at least partially entered for the next day. if you do have a smart phone the scan feature is great. It will allow you to scan just about any food with a bar code and it will automatically give you the details to add in your food diary. You just adjust the servings based on how much of that food you are actually eating. . As far as weighing yourself, that is totally up to you and your comfort level. Some weigh in once a week and some weigh in more often such as daily and that's a matter of preference. Your weight goes up and down daily so, be aware that you may not see the results daily so, weekly may work for you. However, I weigh in every few days but, I only enter my weight in the system once or twice a week. I like to see the impact of my food choices every few days or so but, that's my preference. Anyways, good luck and feel free to add me if you want additional support. Take care
  • Hi Everyone!! New to myfitnesspal and just wanted to say hello :)
  • Hi Newbie to My Fitness Pal,

    I promise you that you will get hooked on my fitness pal...I started playing around with it last June 2011 and did not take my fitness pal serious until maybe early August. I began to actually log everything I ate and was amazed at how much food I was eating. I was blown away at the calories a day I was eating. Some days I was to shame to log the food in. I promise my fitness pal will make you get yourself together. After walking 5 miles 5 days a week and wasn't losing like I should have, I started following the daily recommendations from my fitness pal and has lost 26 pounds to date. The holiday season pushed me back a little, of course you know why, good food for the holidays...but I'm back on track. If you really want to drop the weight and serious about it follow My Fitness Pal. NOTHING I MEAN NOTHING ELSE HAS WORKED FOR ME...SOOOO THANKFUL FOR THIS APPand WEB. It has truly taught me a lesson about food calories and content. Hopefully I will lose another 25-30 pounds OR MORE this summer. GET STARTED AND STAY WITH IT...YOU WILL BE AMAZED.....
  • Welcome! I used . You just enter your weight and amount of time. It will tell you how many calories you burned. After that just create your own Zumba exercise to log it! That is what I do. If you use dance on MFP, it seems to be WAY less than you actually burn.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I've found the best way to track is to plan out all the food that you KNOW you're going to eat that day. Go ahead and log that in first thing in the morning. That way, if you're craving something later in the day, you know if you have the calories to "spend" or not. It's not foolproof, but it helps. (Like yesterday, I burned dinner & picked up takeout...had I known that would have happened, I would have skipped out on the Dove chocolate bar earlier in the day.)
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 165 Member
    Hi, I also use :)

    And welcome and good luck. I log just before or just after I eat, otherwise I would forget. The iphone app helps tremendously with that! Feel free to add me, always happy to help. :)
  • thanks thats helped x