Sick of dieting with little change

Ive lost 27 lbs.[ was at 205] Its taken two and a half years. Ive done medafast, hcg, 1200 cal for 8 months and now I am doing 1600 cal [for two months] Ive had my thyroid checked. when I exercise I gain weight without loosing inches. I am so sick of no results! I am ushely an optimistic person but this is getting old! :grumble:


  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Can you open up your diary? Would give everyone a better look at what you eat daily to better help you.

    A few things...

    Do you measure EVERYTHING you eat? Measuring cups, scale, measuring spoons? It's a bit more work however most of the time what we think is a serving or a portion is actually a lot bigger.

    Are you using the nutrional information provided on MFP or from the packages of what you eat? I've found a lot of things in the database that are a lot different in nutrional information than what the package says. There are people here from all over the world who input food into the database and everyone has different items.

    Are you exercising? MFP tends to OVERESTIMATE calories burned via exercise. I also put in less time than I actually have done.

    Are you drinking enough water?

    Are you eating too much sodium?

    Are you getting enough healthy fats? Protein? Fibre?

    Are you counting EVERYTHING? Even the little nibbles while preparing food?

    You may of slowed your metabolism due to the random diets you have done which would make it a bit harder to lose the weight now until your body adjusts. So many things can affect your weight.
  • DuckDuckDuck
    DuckDuckDuck Posts: 49 Member
    I dont know how to open my diary. I measured EVERYTHING for the first year or so. Now I check myself every now and then to make sure I am being accurate. most days I enter everything pretty well. Like today I ate a little Smokey off my sons plate. I entered it. This weekend I provided consesans for a dog show. I was there from 7 am tell 7 pm Sat and Sun. I had no access to the Internet so I did not enter my food. I had healthy alternatives like soup and salad and that is what I ate. I am sure I was under cal for the day because I was working so hard I did not have time to eat much. [I started to eat my breakfast [1/2 cup grits and 5 turkey little smokies] at 8:00 and did not finish tell after 10:00] Monday morning I entered 1600 cal for both days and made a note of what I did. Days like this are only happen every few months.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    How long have you actually stuck with an exercise program? You say you gain weight after exercising and don't lose inches.... but are we talking a day after exercising? A week? How long have you stuck with it? Going from zero exercise to hard exercise (so that you are sore) is going to cause some weight gain due to water retention. You retain water because you're muscles are inflamed, swollen, and hold onto water. But that water weight will go away.

    My personal vote would be for you to stay on 1600 calories a day and add in some exercise and STICK WITH IT. Even if the exercise doesn't help with the weight lifting, it will help in other areas of your life. Start small- a nice walk or something- then move on to something harder. But you're going to have to do it more than just occasionally and for longer than a few weeks.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    If you don't mind me asking..

    How old are you? What is your current weight? How tall are you?

    Personally I think the BMR is a great way to tell how many calories you should be eating in a day.

    To make your diary public go to "MY HOME" and click settings. You'll see an option for diary settings. Set it to public.
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    If a hypocaloric diet is not working for you something is wrong. If its not biological its psychological. Meaning, if your body isn't the problem, you are. Calories in < calories out = weight loss.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    If a hypocaloric diet is not working for you something is wrong. If its not biological its psychological. Meaning, if your body isn't the problem, you are. Calories in < calories out = weight loss.

    Not always. I don't lose weight if I don't exercise and it doesn't matter how much I reduce my calories.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you've had your thyroid checked I assume that means you've seen a doctor about this. Did s/he not offer any solutions other than "it's not your thyroid"? If not, you consider seeing another doctor or asking for a referral to dietician. There are other physical conditions that can stall weight loss or you could have a food intollerance. If you are really doing the work, you should be losing. Don't stop till find out why you are not.
  • Interesting. I've hit a plateau for the last 6 months and can't get passed it. So I feel the same way. I lost 53 lbs doing all the things you mention. I still work out 3-4 times a week for 1 hour of intense cardio or tae bo. I can't loose my last 10 lbs. I'm eating 1200 calories or less. Not sure what I need to do to get past the plateau.
  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    Agreed, please open your diary. There could be simple changes that could change everything.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Ive lost 27 lbs.[ was at 205] Its taken two and a half years. Ive done medafast, hcg, 1200 cal for 8 months and now I am doing 1600 cal [for two months] Ive had my thyroid checked. when I exercise I gain weight without loosing inches. I am so sick of no results! I am ushely an optimistic person but this is getting old! :grumble:

    It's cps you're trying fad nonsense. Good normal weight loss isnt fast or easy. Stick at it. Move more, eat less.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Interesting. I've hit a plateau for the last 6 months and can't get passed it. So I feel the same way. I lost 53 lbs doing all the things you mention. I still work out 3-4 times a week for 1 hour of intense cardio or tae bo. I can't loose my last 10 lbs. I'm eating 1200 calories or less. Not sure what I need to do to get past the plateau.

    Not to thread hijack, but I'd highly suggest eating more. I hit two plateaus in my journey, both of which were broken by upping my net calories 100-200. If you're working out hard you need to feed that body and all those muscles you've worked hard to build!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Stop "dieting". Make a lifestyle change. Eat as healthy as you can...lots of veggies, complex carbs, lean protien. Avoid trans-fats. Forget fads and "diets" just eat to be healthy.
  • First off congrats on losing weight! It's not easy getting started and keeping with it. I read somewhere that if you are on some type of calorie restriction diet for too long your body goes into starvation mode and tries to hang on to whatever it can. Then when you have more calories regularly the same thing happens. I COULD be wrong though!

    I would start by watching my salt intake. Some of the foods you said you had are loaded with salt, like soup. Try getting more raw or frozen fruits and veggies. Then really push yourself during your workouts, amp it up a little. Just some thoughts.

    P.S. We need "LIKE" or "LOVE" buttons on this website :)
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Interesting. I've hit a plateau for the last 6 months and can't get passed it. So I feel the same way. I lost 53 lbs doing all the things you mention. I still work out 3-4 times a week for 1 hour of intense cardio or tae bo. I can't loose my last 10 lbs. I'm eating 1200 calories or less. Not sure what I need to do to get past the plateau.
    To get past plateaus you are supposed to up your calorie intake
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Stop "dieting". Make a lifestyle change. Eat as healthy as you can...lots of veggies, complex carbs, lean protien. Avoid trans-fats. Forget fads and "diets" just eat to be healthy.

  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    Interesting. I've hit a plateau for the last 6 months and can't get passed it. So I feel the same way. I lost 53 lbs doing all the things you mention. I still work out 3-4 times a week for 1 hour of intense cardio or tae bo. I can't loose my last 10 lbs. I'm eating 1200 calories or less. Not sure what I need to do to get past the plateau.

    I have the exact same problem. Been at a stand still for about 2 months. I am trying to increase my calories to see if it makes a difference. Its very frustrating!
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Try adding some resistance training (ie weight lifting) to your workout routine, as it is more effective at burning calories than cardio. Exercise 5 or 6 days a week even if it is just a good brisk walk around the block a few times. Make sure you are taking in enough calories daily that your body will actually burn calories instead of going into conservation mode.
  • Ive lost 27 lbs.[ was at 205] Its taken two and a half years. Ive done medafast, hcg, 1200 cal for 8 months and now I am doing 1600 cal [for two months] Ive had my thyroid checked. when I exercise I gain weight without loosing inches. I am so sick of no results! I am ushely an optimistic person but this is getting old! :grumble:

    What everyone else said, plus, yeah, doing fad diets, especially HCG, will screw you up big-time. I speak from experience! I did a round of doctor-supervised medical HCG last year and my metabolism was SO damaged that I had to work out and cut calories like I was dieting just to maintain my loss. It was horrible. Only in the past few months have I been able to again lose normally through regular, sensible means. I'm sorry we apparently both had to learn the hard way.

    Everyone else's advice on this thread is great. Good luck. I'm sorry, because I understand how frustrating it can be to put out a lot of perceived effort for little return. xo.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have been hard at it for the last 6 weeks. Working out like a maniac, 6 days a week, logging every bite and measuring everything! No cheating!!

    And until now, there was very little noticible or measurable change. I checked...I weighed, and measured, but nada. And yet, I kept at it.

    Then yesterday, out of pure desparation, looking for something to wear to the office, I pulled out a brand new pair of slacks that I couldn't even get over my knees at Christmas, and presto! They went up and zipped easily. Grinning ear to ear, I tried on several more brand new pants (motivational clothes, tags still on, waiting to fit). They all fit!

    The scale was only down 2 pounds, there was really only 1/2 inch change on the tape measure...but hotdang! My hard work is paying off.

    But, there was a time when I tried this (MFP, working out, etc.) and I lost almost nothing. For a whole year! When I resolved it and finally started losing, it turns out that the problems were a ) not being consistant in my calorie deficit (I had cheat days/meals), b ) I wasn't accurate in my food estimates, c) I wasn't working out nearly hard enough, and d) I wasn't burning nearly what I thought I was when I worked out. It also helped to increase protein, decrease carbs, and drink more water. But that's just me.

    So basically:

    1) Be persistant and patient
    2) Measure, weigh, log everything (note it on a pad if not near a computer and log later)
    3) No cheating
    4) Workout hard and consistantly
    5) Only eat back a portion of your exercise calories, leaving room for calculation errors.
    6) Be patient

    And check progress in ways other than the scale. Measurements, health, endurance, clothes fit.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Stop "dieting". Make a lifestyle change. Eat as healthy as you can...lots of veggies, complex carbs, lean protien. Avoid trans-fats. Forget fads and "diets" just eat to be healthy.


    Nobody will have lasting success until they actually change their lifestyle. I tried and failed several other times, and this time I actually "got it," when I learned that it's not fast, it's not easy, and it requires a lifelong commitment to doing it the right way.