New to the community....

Hi everyone. I am new to this site. I love it so far.... I have been struggling with my weight for just less than two years now. I was diagnosed with Hasimoto's. I started gaining weight very rapidly. Starting at about 146 and then by then time I had my thyroid removed nine months later I weighed 199. Nothing I did could stop the weight gain. My doctor over the summer last year put me on Phentermine which I loved. I lost about 33 pounds in about three months, he said, "if you put the weight on fast then we can take it off fast". Then my synthroid needed to be adjusted again and here I was, back up to 188 pounds. And so I made my doctor switch me from synthroid (T4) to Lyhteroninie (sp) (T3). I feel great. I have energy back and really am excited to lose weight. This week alone I lost five pounds using myfitnesspal. I am so happy I found this site, and I love the app for my phone too. Any tips to speed up weight loss?