HELP! (one of those threads)



  • dancingjr

    How exactly does one do this if they are stuck in one room all day? I really want to be able to do this. However, I teach, and I basically don't leave the same room for 9 hours. (that includes to pee-- I really need a catheter :laugh:) I can't just run out and cook some meat, or even warm up something I cooked the night before. If anyone can suggest a solution to help me have access to real foods instead of processed, I'd love to hear it.

    ETA: I need on the go type foods, that I can just grab and eat. Usually that's processed food. If you can give me some ideas, please do.

    Try adding dry fruit to your diet. It;s prepackaged and usually very easy to snack on whenever. Also add in a cup of fruit juice a day or a glass of V8 but I wouldn't do more than one glass a day because of course the calorie content but it helps make sure your body is getting balanced. Also, do the circuit training others mentioned or maybe some weight training. Also maybe some baby carrots to snack on. Very low in calories but they are a veggie and of course have so many good things for your body. Have a little cooler or something at your desk to keep them cool (that's what I do for things that need to be kept cool).
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I see to much "bad" sugar. Try cutting out the donuts and icecream and replace them with fruit and yogurt.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I see to much "bad" sugar. Try cutting out the donuts and icecream and replace them with fruit and yogurt.
    For startrs I see Dunkin Donuts and Girl Scout cookies on your list, I applaud you for claiming these calories but are these the best way to help w/ your weight loss? I don't see any veggies, proteins or legumes (beans) on your food diary. You asked for our thoughts, here is mine.

    You are right! As I mentioned earlier, I've always bought into the concept that as long as you're in a calorie deficit, you'll lose, no matter what you eat. Obviously that isn't true.

    I do consume protein (by way of dairy), and I can't eat beans due to a stomach condition, but I will definitely work on more meats, fresh veggies, and fruits. Thanks for your help!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    If you're ok with the hamburger being cold you can do a taco salad which is really easy to make (especially if you pay the extra for the pre chopped veggies) and can be very healthy. Fat free sour cream and regular salsa are pretty low in calories and I always pack on the veggies.

    If I had to pick one thing that helped me stay on track with my diet, it'd be plain non-fat greek yogurt. It's low cal, I find it VERY filling, and it's delicious if you add the right stuff to it. I've had success with pineapple, splenda, blueberries, strawberries, mango, lychee, and protein powder (individually, I don't have time to mix and match a bunch of stuff in the morning). I'm a very big guy, and a 32 oz container with 3 packets of splenda at 730AM keeps me full until 5PM for less than 500 calories.

    Veggies and sour cream. Not a proper meal but maybe you could use it to hold you over until school let out?

    I keep reading about greek yogurt...what's the difference in regular yogurt and greek yogurt?
  • manders_b
    manders_b Posts: 44 Member
    Let me start by saying that I actually have an educational background in food and nutrition, so what I'm telling you isn't coming from the latest fad diet craze. Looking at your diary I noticed a few things: First, if you aren't logging water, start doing it! Drinking tons of water will actually help you lose the weight. Some of your gains and plateaus can be from water retention and inflammation, which can both be alleviated with increased water intake. Plus, your body cannot successfully complete the processes necessary to actually "burn" fat without proper hydration. If you think you're drinking enough, try logging for a day or two to make sure. You'll probably notice you drink less than you think. Second, you are over in sugar and carbs just about every day, and it's not coming from fresh fruit. Avoid foods like cottage doubles which contain tons of added sugars and complex carbs and instead buy cottage cheese and top it with fresh fruit. You can cut calories and sugar in one take. Avoiding flavored oatmeals and doing the same - if you like peach for instance, try making plain whole oats with some fresh peaches on top and maybe honey instead of sugar. Honey contains additional antioxidants but is something to watch - it's still sugar and it's still high in calories. Something to keep in mind is that even if you eat well under your calorie goal but you are completing that goal with cookies and carbs, you're not going to see the progress you want. It is okay to treat yourself but make sure it's actually a treat, not a regular thing. This is something I really struggle with - especially right around halloween and other holidays when my kids have candy laying around. Hide it or pitch it. Or make a rule - mine is if I want a kit kat from my son's stash I have to eat one whole fruit or veggie first. Believe me, it works.

    Good luck.
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    GreeK Yogurt is full of protein and is very yummy. Its more of like a pudding. I cant eat regular yogurt because the texture gives me the whillies but I love greek yogurt.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    a really easy lunch that would not require a microwave ( and should keep in a good lunch box with cooler things) is any kind of salad with chicken added. ( or tuna, or fish) good for you and easy peasy!!

    other TO GO foods; high protein bars, protein powder and water, almonds ( not too many thought), veggies with hummus.....