What do you do with your spaghetti squash?

ttkg Posts: 357 Member
I bought a spaghetti squash yesterday, I have used it instead of pasta with spaghetti sauce before (loved it) but other than that have never tried anything else. Do you have any recipe ideas for my dinner tonight?? :smile:


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I use it as a side dish. Once I scoop it out, I mix it with sauteed garlic and some sea salt.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    So when you bake it - do you cut it in half or just bake it as is? Thanks btw!
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    ...and what a gorgeous dog!
  • _rebeccab
    _rebeccab Posts: 11 Member
    I mostly just substitute it for spaghetti noodles when I have tomato sauce, but I've also used it with pesto or sauted with garlic, onion and mushroom. Usually I try to cover up the taste because I like the texture but hate the taste of squash.
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    OHHHHHH YUMMY YUMMY YUMMYYY!!!! Ok this is one of my favorite meals. So I roast the Spaghetti Squash in the oven (cut in half and just bake at 350 until a fork goes in). Then I cook on the stove either turkey sausage or chopmeat depending which I'm in the mood for mixed with a can 28oz of diced tomatoes and then whatever veggies. So sometimes asparagus, broccoli, whatever really catches my mood mix it together. When the squash is done I just scoop it out and mix everything all together and bam simple easy meal. I also freeze this and it does very well.

    hope you try it enjoy!
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Mmmmm, sounds great - thanks!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    ...and what a gorgeous dog!

    Thanks! They are my buddies.

    Yes, I cut it in half and either bake it in the oven (if I have something else I am baking) or put it in the microwave. Then I scoop out the innards and mix them up with sauteed garlic and sea salt. You don't have to cook the garlic if you don't want to and don't mind smelling quite garlicky for a while. LOL
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks everyone - this is my dinner tonight!! :flowerforyou:
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    mmmm I am eating some right now but I didnt make it so cant tell you what is in it. I prefer roasting it in the oven with a little EVOO and then some seasoning. I top it with some mixed veggies and low carb marinara sauce. The one i am eating now has pinenuts, roasted roma tomato, feta, and a little seasoning.
  • jnbud2002
    SOUNDS YUM! I've been wanting to try the spaghetti squash! Now I know how to make it a couple ways!
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    I buy small spaghetti squashes (about 1-2 softball size). I use a knife and poke holes all over it, about 10 times. Then I put it on a plate and put it in my microwave on high for 5-6 minutes. Let it cool for about 5 minutes, then split in half, remove the seeds, and scoop out the "spaghetti".

    I usually put on salt and pepper, sometimes some garlic powder or Mrs. Dash. I just had spaghetti squash for breakfast and I put on a little bit of ketchup. If I have it for dinner I may add pasta sauce.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Any recipe that calls for spaghetti I substitute spaghetti squash. 2 weeks ago I made spaghetti pie and it was awesome. roasted it and then just followe the spaghetti pie recipe.
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I had some for lunch today! Ground turkey, tomato sauce, and chopped tomatoes. Yummo!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I like it with a mushroom sauce, or cold and tossed with finely chopped veggies and a vinegrette dressing (kind of a pasta-less pasta salad).
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I cook my spaghetti squash in the microwave oven. Stab it about 10 times all over the squash with a paring knife and then pop it in the microwave on high for about 15 minutes, turning it on to the other side halfway through. After 15 mins it will be HOT and steamy so be sure to use oven-mitts to pull it out. I wait about 5 mins before I slice it open (otherwise the steam gets the mitts soggy...gross). Just scrape the seeds out with a fork (this will be really easy since everything is soft). Then, scoop it out onto the plate, and vuala--Its's good to go. Pile it with some ready made spaghetti sauce (I like trader joes organic marinara) and some cheese and you've got an easy and healthy meal in about 20 mins.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    I like it with a mushroom sauce, or cold and tossed with finely chopped veggies and a vinegrette dressing (kind of a pasta-less pasta salad).

    this is a great idea! i think i will try mixing it with meat and veggies instead of rice to fill cabbage rolls
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I just made a new recipe last night. Cut it in half, face up on a baking sheet. Remove the seeds and loose stringy stuff. Rub the insides with olive oil, place slices of garlic around the inside edges and bake at 425`F (took about 45 minutes). When it starts curling from the edges, remove and let cool 20 minutes, then peel away with a fork. I then cook a pound of lean ground meat with some onion, parsely, etc., drain and add a small jar of spaghetti sauce or even pizza sauce (I use half-jar). I've also made it where you slice in half, face down on a pan, put about 1/4" of water in the pan, cover with foil and bake 45 minutes. take out, flip over and cook another 15. Remove the gucky part and scrape the good parts out with a fork. Melt 2 TBSP Bestlife buttery sticks, add the squash to the pan along with chives, basil, parsley, pepper, and oregano (or whatever spices you like). Sooo quick, easy and delish! I never even knew what spaghetti squash was until two weeks ago and since then I've made it three times!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I like it with a mushroom sauce, or cold and tossed with finely chopped veggies and a vinegrette dressing (kind of a pasta-less pasta salad).

    this is a great idea! i think i will try mixing it with meat and veggies instead of rice to fill cabbage rolls

    Mmm, that sounds yummy too.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Cut in half, scrape out seeds, smear a bit of butter around on it, sprinkle with your sweetener of choice and cinnamon. Bake in microwave till a fork sticks in it easily. When soft, just dig it out and eat as a side dish.
  • laylamurphy
    laylamurphy Posts: 13 Member
    I use it as filler for just about anything... Top it with some chili or a taco meat and black bean concotion. And of course any italian dish. I have made it with turkey sausage, broccoli and a light garlic cream sauce before. Yummy!