Only 2 days in and back to square one today



  • Schlemoc
    Beverly international carries Ultimate Muscle Protein in a cookies and cream flavor. I use that with some vanilla or chocolate soy milk. Mix it up with a little ice and you have a fairly healthy milkshake. There are a ton of other ways to use the protein, but it kills the sweet tooth.
  • kapspecial
    kapspecial Posts: 67 Member
    I love sweets. I don't count fruit as sweets ( saw suggestions like clementines, to each his/her own). So I plan for a dessert everyday. I plan for it at the end with dinner. I have a variety that I choose from: Smart Ones (Strawberry Shortcakes), Luigi's Italian Ice, WW English Toffee Ice Cream Sticks, Angel food cake (with strawberries and light cool whip).

    I do love the Fiber One brownies, but the first time I bought them I ate the entire box so I haven't bought them again. You need to be aware of what things you can't even bring into your home till you get your self-control together.
  • azeiha
    azeiha Posts: 9 Member
    I keep a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips in the cupboard and when I feel a craving for chocolate I have a few... 1 at a time lol, so I don't overdo it.. I believe they're 70 calories and 4g of fat per 1tbsp
  • azeiha
    azeiha Posts: 9 Member
    ^^^^ I love angel food cake! The brand I buy is only 130cals and 0.1g of fat for 1/5th of the cake, awesome with berries...
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    2 days in is nothing to worry about. Just keep coming back and work to make every day a good one.
    For me, sugar free jello or a cup of "not to sugary" breakfast cereal really kicks my craving.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Sugar cravings are TOUGH, and if you are like me, it's all or nothing. I can't just have one sweet, I end up eating the whole box, whatever it is. A lot of time if I cave in to my craving, I will just want more later. And I'm such a cheapskate I feel terrible throwing away food, and that goes double if it's something yummy like chocolates! You certainly aren't starting over at Square 1 today--- you've gained some valuable experience from these past 2 days.

    Are you craving sugar at night because you are hungry, bored, or something else? For me, the sugar cravings went down drastically when I started eating more protein. Good luck!
  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    I have those days, too. It can be hard, but remember what your goal is. I find SF FF ice cream/bars helps me. It's better to get single-serving size if the self-control is lacking. I just started to purchase those 100-calorie sweet snacks, too. Fiber One 90 calorie brownies are good, too.
  • pb6012002
    Fiber One Brownies are only 90 calories each.

    They are yummy! Even Luigi's italian ices range from 80-100 calories depending on the size. And there are so many 100 calories pack snacks out there now.
  • missgailPer
    It's okay, Everyday is a new beginning . I buy sugar free chocolate pudding cups if I really feel like chocolate and the fat free sugar free coolwhip is good to cut up strawberries and have that with it . It satifies me . I eat chocolate rice cakes too with pb on it thats so good too and low in calories . Good Luck !! One Day at A Time
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You're an evening eater, so make sure you save a good portion of your calories for that time. As for easing a sweet tooth without doing too much damage, I'm a big fan of cereal. If you can find one that you like that's a bit sweet AND has some fiber, you'll feel more satisfied, and the fiber will help prevent blood sugar spikes.

    You'll get better at this as you go, but you need to start fighting the temptations to get stronger. Don't let it be an all-or-nothing sweets fest. You can plan days where you allow yourself more, but for the most part, you just have to fight the urge.
  • cbarry71
    It is hard as we all struggle, but Remind yourself every morning and night why you are doing this. To be healthier and stronger. A good go to for a sweet is applesauce with no added sugar and put cinnamon and a bit of chopped almonds on top.
  • isabellatheo32
    I feel your pain...I had to convince myself (which took a lot of internal arguing-I may still not be talking to me) that I did not need to stop at the store on the way home from work for candies and chocolate. I have a very hard time in the evenings not eating sweet too. WW brownies are pretty yummy, all bran bar with some PB...

    And you're not starting over. Starting over means that you have gone back to eating everything and not recording any of it... you're still ahead of the game :)
  • Tommyfuzz
    Tommyfuzz Posts: 6 Member
    NOt sure if you found some decent snacks yet..but I have found what really helps me in the evenings when i need a snack.... Orville's Smartpop popcorn... don't add anything extra to it...but it really helps me get through the cravings
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    Some thing that has been working for me is that after dinner, I brush my teeth. I was told this once and it seems to keep me from grazing in the kitchen and taking a quick sneak eat.