Working out a lot, always hunger, supplement?

Ok, so when I work out like I like to (cardio, strength, at least an hour each morning), I'm starving. Always, always starving. I drink water like a madwoman, much on low calorie snacks, etc., but it's not enough. I just feel hungry always. It's to the point where it's giving me headaches. I eat my exercise calories back, so I don't think I'm starving myself and I've already upped my net intake to 1320.

So, I got a free sample of Labrada Lean Body for Her in the mail, and I took it yesterday before I hit the gym. It's got caffeine and some other natural ingredients -- It promises to enhance mood and energy while curbing appetite (and shedding fat, but I'm aware there isn't a magic pill for that -- I'm already eating mostly clean and working out regularly so I feel like I have that under control).

So, like I said, I took it yesterday and I DID notice a difference in my appetite. Today, however, I'm back to being starving and feeling pretty sluggish (it's about 20 minutes before lunchtime). I just ordered the supplements because I'm a believer now.

Does anyone else take this or something like it? I wonder if it helps over time. I already ordered it as I said, but I'm still curious. I got a pretty good deal with a coupon that came with the sample, so I figured it couldn't hurt.