Hitting a plateau - what next?

Hey everyone,

I've been using MFP off and on for a while but only recently realized the great network and support it provides with others on similar journeys. Because of that, I wanted to ask: what changes did you make when you hit a plateau to ensure that you are still strengthening your body and improving?

2-3 years ago I lost about 105 lbs and was able to decrease my body fat percentage from 28% to 11& in 6-8 months. I've spent the past year changing my workouts some, went from heavy lifting and resistance training to heavy cardio and so on.

I'm 5'9" and weigh 198-200 lbs, and my body fat percentage is somewhere around 9.5% (not a lot of fat to lose). I still run for about 5 miles 5 days a week and continue to hit the weights but I don't know if I should switch up my workout some. I want to lose more fat but not at the expense of losing muscle, which I know is a by-product of intense cardio.

Any other MFPers experience a plateau? What do you do to change it up? Would love some guidance and your thoughts.
