? for ladies that lift



  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    Sorry I feel like I'm being very nosey here!! I've set my cals to maintenance for now and have been trying to eat more than my bmr which is 1450ish and not have a bigger deficit than 1000 (which has NEVER happened!) My deficit these days has been 250-500.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Heavy as I can for at least 8 reps, no more than 12. I'm focusing on upper body at the moment. My lower body has always been my strength. I'm letting my hubby guide the program as he has lifted for years and likes being involved;) I've done bench presses, DB presses, bicep curls w/ DB and BB, tricep presses, lat cable pull downs, front and side lifts for shoulders, flys for chest. I tried rows but my bad shoulder pops everytime and makes me crazy queasy so gonna skip those for now!....I don't remember what else I've done...I like the programs on bodybuilding.com but have let me hubby help me get started for now.

    What would you consider I could do a dumbbell exercise for the lat cable pull downs? How did you come up with the weight to lift? I am doing cathe friedrich muscle max right now but it's more of a muscle endurance instead heavy strength training but it still gives a good workout not seeing to many results yet I think I need to up my cals.
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    Since I add my exercise cals back based on my HRM I have my activity setting based on sedentary but I've been wondering if thats where I'm going wrong. I'm a teacher but I sit A LOT for the majority of my day. Then when I do any exercise I wear the HRM. So sedentary seemed the safest bet. But now I'm wondering if my maintenance based on sedentary is closer to a decent deficit a light activity...UGH so confusing!!!!!!!
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    Heavy as I can for at least 8 reps, no more than 12. I'm focusing on upper body at the moment. My lower body has always been my strength. I'm letting my hubby guide the program as he has lifted for years and likes being involved;) I've done bench presses, DB presses, bicep curls w/ DB and BB, tricep presses, lat cable pull downs, front and side lifts for shoulders, flys for chest. I tried rows but my bad shoulder pops everytime and makes me crazy queasy so gonna skip those for now!....I don't remember what else I've done...I like the programs on bodybuilding.com but have let me hubby help me get started for now.

    What would you consider I could do a dumbbell exercise for the lat cable pull downs? How did you come up with the weight to lift? I am doing cathe friedrich muscle max right now but it's more of a muscle endurance instead heavy strength training but it still gives a good workout not seeing to many results yet I think I need to up my cals.

    Gosh I'm the wrong person to ask...I know rows are for back, I apparently just can't do them! You can look on thefitgirls.com and she has an exercise database based on the body parts. Or theres an iphone app called jefit that has exercises based on the body parts. Or just use google! My husband started my weights and was dead on for most of them. He starts me with something pretty light to warm up and learn the movement. Then I do 3 sets of 8-12 reps. If you can do 12 easy its too light, if you can not do 8 its too heavy. This method works for me well but I am by NO means an expert so please don't swear by any of this!