Question for Heavy Lifters (female variety)



  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You can gain muscle while eating in a deficit. The thing you have to watch out for is that you are getting your daily value for carbs (complex carbs, not sugar) and protein. Carbs give you the energy to use up while doing stenuous exercise (like heavier lifting) and the protein will give your muscles the amino acids to rebuild after you tear them down. It is absolutely possible to gain muscle mass while eating in a deficit, you just have to make certain you're giving your body the right types of food for the job. Message me if you have any more questions or need more information.

    This is coming from personal experience btw, not just blowing smoke.

    That's interesting, from most of what I've read focuses on protein and healthy fats to fuel muscle and complex carbs to fuel cardio. So, if your goal is to build muscle your diet focuses on high protein and good fats for your gains, but if your goal is to run long distances your diet should be higher in carbs for gains.

    Carbs give you energy regardless of what activity you are doing. I am not saying high carbs. I am saying complex carbs and enough of them to give yourself the energy needed. Also, getting your daily intake of protein is fine. There is no such thing as more muscle gains from more protein. Taking in more protein will not help to build MORE muscle. Taking in the amount of protein you need will ensure you are giving your muscle what they need to help rebuild them. So, in summary, I am not trying to say go on a diet high in carbs and high in protein. I am saying feed your body what it needs - lean protein and complex carbs - to make sure you're fueling it properly for the work you're making it do. Sorry if I was confusing.