Nexplanon implant and weight gain



  • nomiesx
    nomiesx Posts: 2 Member
    I went on the injection three years back and gained 3 stone in one year. I changed over to the everyday pill and didn't gain any nor did I lose any. I fell pregnant on the pill and after I had a miscarriage, I changed to the Nexplanon and I gain a further 2 stone.
    All together, I have gained 5 stone in three years. It may not be the contraception that made me gain the weight, but it sure has stopped it coming off.
    I'm making an appointment this week to have it removed to see if that helps, seeing as me and my boyfriend have split up now x
  • lizlumbriz
    lizlumbriz Posts: 1
    I got Nexplanon November 19th, 2012.. I had just lost 20 lbs in 20 days (ive always been able to lose weight quickly) and I was at 5'5 180 lb.. This was the first time I'd gone over 190 lb.. i was told it was so far 100% effective with no side effects.. I specifically asked if it would cause weight gain and my OB said No. I went on Vacation with my boyfriend the following weekand loat another 13 lbs in a month.. Two months after that I was up to 200lbs..another month, i was at 220.. I then went back to work and decided to go on a diet and work out.. I walked 1 hr every night, protein shakes for breakfast, salad for lunch, lean protein for dinner.. I continued to gain weight.. It slowed after 5 months but I still gained.. I'm now up to 280 lbs.. Thats 100 lbs in a year and a half.. I refused to admit that it was the birth control even though my sisters kept insisting on it until now.. My hair has been falling off in handfulls every day.. I get lightheaded and naucius almost every day.. My scalp is dry and flaking (it never has before).. I've never bled since I got it put in and I gave up the denial and decided this just is not natural.. Our body is not meant to function without a regular cycle.. I didn't get pregnant but all of this, especially the weight is not worth it.. Not even a little bit.. My self esteem is the lowest it has ever been, i often fall into depression, I cant stand the sun, my skin is dry and itchy.. I'm having it removed in a week.. I was almost too embarrased to go see my OB since she knew I was trying to lose weight but I decided she should see what this has done to me. I'm aure the Implanon was great, and since it was to be covered by Insurance , like everything else, it went generic and that is why we are all in this mess.. Biggest regret ever.. Dont get it!
  • sylviedroz
    sylviedroz Posts: 95 Member
    i've had it in for about 2 years now. It cleared up my skin but it did make gaining weight a lot easier. So i had to be more strict with myself. But back then life was more stressful and i am a stress eater so i think it definitely contributed to myself gaining 2 st. I lost it easily though. It didn't effect how fast i lost weight but it just made it a bit easier to gain.
  • colecats31
    colecats31 Posts: 1
    When I had my implant put in I weighed about 17 stone / 238 lbs. Now, 3 years on, I am 20 stone /280lbs. Its quite a hefty gain! The good thing about Nexplanon for me was the complete stop of my periods which I love! Always had very painful periods. I am also a type 1 diabetic so decided I had enough meds to take without worrying about contraception. I have noticed that my skin and hair get very greasy the last couple of years. Initially, I had mood swings for the first two weeks but that went away. I couldnt say for definite that this implant caused my hefty weight gain but it'll be interesting to see if my efforts to lose weight improve once the implant has been removed in three weeks time! I really relate to all you ladies on here with these problems and hopefully some one will come up with something better!

    Cole x
  • skyegilbreth
    skyegilbreth Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad I came across this. Since I've had Nexplanon inserted I have gained 40 pounds. I tried dieting and increasing my exercise and couldn't shed a single pound. It was frustrating and scared me. I went to the Dr. and they sent me to a specialist. The specialist said I was insulin resistant. Though she's had me on diet pills for 6 months and I haven't lost any weight. She's having a hard time putting her finger on it. Coming across this and seeing that multiple women are having an issue because of their birth control, makes me wonder if this is what's preventing me from loosing weight. I am going to ask my Dr. to please take this out. I not only have the weight issue, but after a year of being on it I spot all of the time and I have been getting my period the last couple of months. I originally wanted this because with endometriosis it felt like it'd be a solution to not go through hell and to also not have to pay for the special pills you have to take when on your period. I've also been having my hair fall out. I have been buying shampoo that strengthens your hair and it wasn't working. I had no idea it could've been my birth control. What I am wondering is, did it take very long after getting nexplanon taken out to get yourself back to your normal weight? I work out about 6 hours if not more a week, eat home cooked meals with no fast food or caffeine. So I am curious how long it took for others to notice if they were loosing weight after getting this birth control taken out. It would be nice to know right away so I will know if part of this issue was or wasn't the birth control.
  • ashleyer05
    Wow. I can't believe that all of these symptoms I've been noticing are related to my birth control! I've gained 50!!!! pounds since I had my implanon replaced with nexplanon a year or so ago. And everytime I take a shower, it looks like Chewbacca was in there with me from all the hair loss. I've noticed myself getting light headed and almost feeling like I was in a haze on occasion. I have an appt to get mine removed next week. Can not WAIT to be rid of it. I hate hate HATE it. I was on a strict diet for 2 months and was running for an hour everyday, strictly drinking water, and eating only healthy foods and didn't even lose 1 POUND! NOT EVEN ONE!!! This is ridiculous. I've never known it to be so hard to lose weight in my life.
  • kaylinvoss
    kaylinvoss Posts: 2 Member
    I got my nexplanon put in January 2014, had 11 days of bleeding about a month later. Then about a month after that, I noticed my skin was starting to break out. Chalked it up to switching my makeup. I've since switched back and its only gotten worse. I've gained 15 pounds roughly since January. I'm 9 weeks into an intense weight and cardio program and haven't lost ANYTHING. I've only kept gaining, and I'm not convinced it's muscle mass. Its all accumulating around my lower abdomen. About a month ago, I called my doctor to see about getting it taken out. He told me to wait until the 6 month mark, and if no change, we'd take it out. That's another 3 weeks! I can't wait that long! I'm so darn frustrated, I cry several times a week because of this problem. My boyfriend, bless his heart, does his best to talk me through these moments. Self esteem is low, depression is setting in. I think I'm going to call tomorrow to see about getting it taken care of.
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    I've only had good experiences, personally. I got the Implanon March 2011, started trying to lose weight January 2012 and lost 60 pounds in less than a year. I gained a lot (about 30 off and on) back over the next year and a half.

    In March 2014 my implanon expired, and I also happened to start working out again. It's been going well, I workout hard every day and (usually) eat well. I haven't lost a lot of weight but see a lot of changes in my body, which is good. I got my new Nexplanon put in on May 8 2014 and have no complaints yet.

    As far as cycles go, I didn't have a single period for the first ten months of my implanon, then after that it was on and off spotting mostly. Sometimes every two weeks, sometimes every two months. Sometimes it got heavier/more frequent but never bad and never cramps.

    Now, I still haven't had a period after a month and a half.

    No other bad effects like acne, mood swings, etc. to report.
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    I haven't ever used that before, but generally it takes a few months for your hormones to settle when you start a new birth control. I would give it 3 months, or ask your doctor for a more accurate answer. 3 lbs is not a lot to worry about and it could be water weight as well and due to you being hurt for a few weeks.
  • jeanniegurule
    jeanniegurule Posts: 1 Member
    I had the absolute worst experience with Nexplanon. I had it placed when I got married and kept it for over a year. Within 2 weeks after having it placed, I started noticing mood swings, within 6 weeks, I was having nausea, bloating, uncontrollable breakouts and congested skin. Two months with it, my back and the backs of my arms started breaking out too. My skin and hair both got very oily. I took 3 pregnancy tests within the first 2 months thinking this stupid thing had failed me and I was experiencing early pregnancy symptoms. It only got worse from there -- the mood swings got worse, I felt like I couldn't control my emotions AT ALL. I had a low sex drive, I was tired all the time, but restless when I tried to sleep at night, and had night sweats/hot flashes daily. I felt like I had a dark cloud looming over my head all the time. I thought I was depressed or suffering with anxiety issues and talked to my husband in depth about the feeling of despair I felt. I sought counseling and consulted a physician for help. I had never had issues like this before in my life and within a few weeks of getting Nexplanon placed I was scheduled to see a counselor and a dermatologist, both which insisted I speak to my OB/GYN because all of my symptoms were related to the hormones in Nexplanon. Did I mention the weight gain? Oh it was the most delightful part of this train wreck of an experience. I weight lift regularly and I am a fitness instructor; even with teaching 3 days a week and sticking to a clean diet, I gained a whopping 10 lbs that would NOT budge. For those of you that want Nexplanon because you think you won't have a period -- that very well may be the case, but I can assure you, the lack of a period is not worth the rest of the horrible symptoms experienced with this BC.

    After giving it time to adjust and my body to get "used" to it and "regulate" (which by the way, never happened) & months worth of treatments from the dermatologist, my esthetician, lots of prayer, tears, and roller-coaster mood swings, I had the damn thing removed. Yes, I said it. That's the only way to describe it.

    When I explained the experience to my OB/GYN, she said "oh yes! that's all from the birth control -- that thing has got to come out TODAY"... and it did. Praise the Lord!

    Within 3 days of having my Nexplanon out, I was feeling better. Now, I am two weeks out and my clothes are fitting better, I am sleeping through the night with no hot flashes, my skin is almost completely clear, I am much nicer, and I finally feel like myself again. Oh, and the best part -- last night, I saw a friend I haven't seen in 3 weeks and one of the first things she said was "you've lost weight & you look great! " Oh my goodness, what a sense of relief I felt!

    Nexplanon is wretched! Please do your research and maybe try a progestogen-only pill before you have a progestogen-only implant or IUD placed.
  • jwowwzer413
    I've had nexplanon since Feb 27 2014 so 5 months now. I was fine till about a month an a half ago I've put on 30+ pounds on. I haven't changed my eating habits, I have the worst cramps ever. I never had bad cramps like these till I got nexplanon. I get the worst mood swings ever I get depressed over the stupidest things. Such a bad decision over all I loved it till I started gaining all this weight. I'm going to get it removed next month I can't deal with it anymore. Who has gotten it taken out and has gained more weight or lost weight ? I'm afraid if I get it taken out I'll blow up more then I have now.
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    I got nexplanon at around 8 weeks post partum, so I've had it since about March of this year. I lost 20 lbs since the baby was born (without tracking) and I've lost 8 pounds in a month and a half (while tracking).

    I breastfeed so that might be part of it, but I've only had a few periods with it and they're super light.

    I do think my skin is oilier, and my hair itches if I don't wash it everyday so there is a change in my scalp.

    But over all I'm very happy with this. If I wasn't losing weight while trying I would switch though.
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    Lost all my weight before getting an implant put in.
    When it got put in, I was so hungry that I decided to stop losing weight and go to maintenance , even lost the drive to look nice. but I logged anyway, still felt hungry eating all my maintenance calories. Made me crave sweets to no end (I'm usually a savoury type ) and I was just always always always hungry . Gained about 10lbs . Got the little bugger removed and now I'm losing again and I don't crave sugary crap. Also my mood now is MILES better.
    Just my experience.

    I feel really strongly about this little fker. It gave me depression, low self esteem, my family thought I'd had a mental breakdown + my bf left me. Now that it's gone, and I'm my old self, he even wants me back lelz.... NEVER AGAIN.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    I have never had one personally. I am just naturally a food lover and thus fat. :P My sister, however, did get the implant and ended up gaining something like 80 lbs in 6 months. She hadn't had trouble with her weight before that (despite her love of beer pong and all other things alcohol related) but has struggled with it ever since.
  • Tigger31179
    Tigger31179 Posts: 57 Member
    I too had Implanon and LOOVED. I gained a little weight, but really it was my fault. Since I had it put in, I have started having issues with my BP, so when it expired a year ago, I had it taken out and my doc said it was a bad idea to do anything hormonal. With all the other issues my mom had with IUDs we passed on those, and who wants to use condoms when you are married, I chose to get "fixed." Best thing I ever did. Surgery was easy, the recovery was almost nil. I was up moving around the day after, with few restrictions and very little pain (and I'm a wuss), and within the week, I was back to normal.

    My suggestion to you ladies with Nexplanon, who hate it, go to your dr, tell them you hate it. Tell them why. Ask if they can swap it for Implanon. For those of you who are "done" having children, definitely look into having a tubal. It's worth it.
  • Aussie_in_PA
    Aussie_in_PA Posts: 100 Member
    There are so many people replying on this post about how bad it is but they look like gorilla marketing attacks. Suspect usernames and single posts with no information on their profile (no data, friends, nothing). Just a post on this subject about gaining 30-50 pounds.

    Sure hormones can manipulate cravings etc but in the end of the day - cals in and out +/i small variations in hormones (as long is nothing is wrong with you).

    tl;dr - 13+ profiles looking suspect on this topic.
  • Advaya
    Advaya Posts: 226 Member
    There are so many people replying on this post about how bad it is but they look like gorilla marketing attacks. Suspect usernames and single posts with no information on their profile (no data, friends, nothing). Just a post on this subject about gaining 30-50 pounds.

    Sure hormones can manipulate cravings etc but in the end of the day - cals in and out +/i small variations in hormones (as long is nothing is wrong with you).

    tl;dr - 13+ profiles looking suspect on this topic.

    Eh, I dunno what benefit there would be to posting negative reviews while not trying to sell something else. I do know I've searched side effects before and found random websites, that might be what these people are doing? Just searching their experiences and finding this post. Who knows, but I don't see the point. Maybe I'm missing it though lol.

    I mean I searched lack of periods on nexplanon myself and found threads on boards I wasn't a member.
  • casscrossing
    I got my Nexplanon implant on June 3rd 2013, a little over a year ago. I went from 185 lbs at the time of implant, to a current 240 lbs! I am 5'9 so I can go up or down 15-20 lbs and it's hardly noticeable, but I have NEVER gained so much weight in such a short period of time or been even close to this heavy EVER. I have always been able to use Weight Watchers and workouts to lose, now I can't. My skin has been clear my whole life, now it is a constant battle with oil and acne. I didn't even realize that was a possible side effect till I read this thread. I knew that the weight gain was probable, but didn't even consider the skin thing. I have shooting pains in my left arm where the implant is located. If I hit it at just the right angle, like lean over something and pinch that area, it's like electricity shooting into me. I cannot prop myself up with that arm or comfortably lie that arm down on something. I am 36 years old, the hormones are destroying me, I regret having willingly had this put into my body. I don't know and I don't think any of us know what the long term effects will be. I have an appointment to have it removed on August 8th, one week from today. I will post on here with an update so that this can hopefully be a resource for others that have opted for early removal due to side effects.
  • kissedlin
    kissedlin Posts: 3 Member
    I had the implant 16.5.2013
    I have since suffered depression...... Could be lifestyle related rather then implant
    I have gained the stone that I had just lost.
    I now can't get rid of I. Even sticking to slimming world. Not drinking. Treat night once a week!
    I can not shift weight. I do a minimum of 2 hours exercise a day. Allotment and gardening are my hobby. Walking or biking to and from.
    I feel I need it out now.
    Sex life is low because of me. The way I feel.
    Any help anyone!
    New comments?
  • kissedlin
    kissedlin Posts: 3 Member

    I go on Thursday to have mine out.

    I'd love to hear your update too?

    Hopefully I will notice a difference quickly